The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 48 no 21 | 29 May–2 June 2023


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to a short week. I hope you had a pleasant Reconciliation Day yesterday.

On behalf of the School Executive, it is my greatest pleasure to congratulate A/Prof Cormac Corr on his conversion to an ongoing academic appointment. Many will know Cormac’s outstanding contributions to undergraduate teaching across the entire program, his excellent HDR supervision record and his leadership in Category 3 research. Please congratulate Cormac when you see him next.

Last week was a very busy week, for many. Firstly, the VC did a brilliant job at the launch of “Defending Australia” event at the Australian War Memorial last Monday. Mahasen Sooriyabandara (QST, Thaum) joined a panel of experts to discuss workforce issues and received applause for his insights. The campaign also launched the new ANU branding “A national effort. A national university” and a focussed series of stories on NPAA. Above left, Prof Schmidt addressing workforce concerns and why ANU is ready to help, right, Mahasen talking about the need for curriculum reform in schools. It was an excellent night. Deputy Minister Richard Marle’s speech can be found here

On Tuesday, ACT Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury announced the recipients of the 3rd round of Renewable Energy Innovation Fund grants (below). Two of the six recipients, HYGREA and Flex-G, are members of Momentum, our company incubator. PV-Labs has had a long association with our School, as has Aqacia. Well done to all. 

The Williams Family invites people to attend the memorial service for Ros Williams online or at Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia at 2pm, 16th June. Please register here

The annual Academic staff promotion round is about to open. Could I please ask that potential applicants refer to the CV template on the College Intranet. The Academic Standards Guideline is an excellent reference for applicants. I encourage applicants to talk to their supervisor early.

School Executive this week. Please speak to your representatives or Heads if you have topics to raise.

Can I please remind all academic staff that under legislation all engagements with any foreign entity need to be taken through the FIAC process. It is relatively quick, and essential.

My thanks to all those who attended the talk by Deputy Director General IAEA Dr Mokhtar last Wednesday. The VC welcomed her to the new ANU call, building on Monday’s message (photo credit: AJ Mitchell).

I did mention it was a busy week. Prof Jagadish was in fine company on Wednesday night at the Opera House, meeting with the Prime Ministers of India and Australia (see below). 

Finally, and not least, I do regret my slip last week and apologise to Aqeel Akber (Thaum, NPAA) for using the wrong pronoun for them in the EH. One of the founding members of Momentum, Thaum, continue on their meteoric rise just winning their second $1M from the Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII). Fantastic news and a great way to start the week.




First Nations Cultural Training Session - Thursday 15 June

The RSPhys Equity and Diversity committee will host a First Nations cultural training session on Thursday 15 June 10 am – 2 pm. The session will be hosted by Dave Widders, an Anaiwan man from Armidale NSW. The session is open to all RSPhys staff and students, but places are limited. Please register via the link below.

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Falling Walls Lab Sydney 2023

Falling Walls Lab is an international forum for the next generation of early-career innovators, trailblazers, creators, and visionaries. Its aim is to promote exceptional ideas and connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all fields on a global level. Participants are given the opportunity to participate in a pitch competition and present their research, business model, or initiative to peers, a high-calibre jury, and the general public.

Please contact the College Research Office directly if you intend to apply.

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EPJ 25th Anniversary Young Researcher Meeting Grants

2023 marks the 25th anniversary of EPJ journals. In keeping with the long-held EPJ tradition of supporting early career researchers, EPJ is making available a number of grants to support meetings for young researchers throughout 2023.

Further details and an application form can be found here.


'LIGO Remote Control Room'

CGA launched their new 'LIGO Remote Control Room' with the start of the fourth global gravitational wave hunt, the O4 observing run on May 24th.

The new facility will act as a remote control room for Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) in the United States – one of the leading gravitational wave observatories on the planet — and play a major role in the latest global observing run.

The LIGO remote control room is based at the Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics (CGA), the ANU node of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav).

This observing run is also boosted by the rejuvenated ANU 2.3-metre telescope, based at Siding Spring Observatory, which will join the ANU SkyMapper telescope in the global follow-up campaign.

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Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) - Funding Opportunities

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative seeks applications for three open funding opportunities: 

  1. Measuring Metabolism Across Scales – apply by deadline 1 June 2023
  2. Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards – submit letters of intent by deadline 22 June 2023
  3. Deep Tissue Imaging (Phase 2) – submit letters of intent by deadline 11 July 2023

Please contact the College Research Office  if you intend to apply.

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Travel Grant Opportunity

There’s an open opportunity for ANU academic staff to receive a $10,000 travel grant to go to Humboldt University in Berlin. Humboldt is a highly regarded university with a lot of complementary research strengths, here’s their Physics research.

Applications close at the end of May, but the application process is easy. You just need to identify a staff member at Humboldt, note down some activities to undertake together, and for the host to write a letter of support (which we could draft). As timing is so tight, the chance of winning is high! 

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3 Minute Thesis Competition 2023

The HDR Team are inviting HDR students to participate in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition 2023!

3MT is an international competition for higher degree research candidates to showcase their research. Candidates present to an audience on what their research is and why it is important in plain language for three minutes, with only a single PowerPoint slide! 3MT is a hugely popular and thoroughly enjoyable annual event and we encourage our students to have a go!

Students can compete in the School and the College 3MT rounds. The winners of the College round will progress to the ANU 3MT Final.

RSPhys 3MT round will be held on Thursday 8 June 2023 at 11am in the Physics Auditorium. 

Students wishing to present in the RSPhys 3MT round should email to register their interest by 31 May (tomorrow!)

Everyone is invited to attend to support the presenters! Prizes will be on offer for the winners.

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DIN Roadshow - ACT Region Showcase

The roadshow brings together Defence relevant industries, government, and education, to engage around upcoming opportunities for collaboration in the Region and beyond.

Date: Monday, 17 July 2023 
Time: 9.30-15.00
Location: Physics Auditorium, New Physics Building, #160, 58 Mills Road

In-person event, please register here

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HDR Industry Engagement

In the 2021-2022 budget the Australian government announced a range of new funding streams that are designed to foster a stronger engagement between universities and industry. There is now additional return funding for all PhD candidates that have completed a specific type of research internship during their candidature. In addition, the National Industry PhD Program supports PhD projects that are co-designed between a university and an industry partner. We have collated information on these and other HDR industry engagement pathways on our SharePoint site. Please contact if you need further information or if you would like to chat about the different options.


Measuring Metabolism Across Scales RFA - Now Open

The Measuring Metabolism Across Scales RFA will support two-year collaborative research projects focused on measuring and understanding metabolism across organelles and cells. 

The maximum (total costs) budgets for the proposed projects are $500,000 for Expanded Projects and $250,000 for Focused Projects. All project awards will be for a 24 month duration.

Please contact the College Research Office if you intend to apply. Closing 1 June 2023.


Research Funding Opportunity: (Kraft Heinz) Barrier Solutions For Sustainable Food Packaging

The funding is proposal-dependent starting with proof-of-concept, typically ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 for a six month length project with the potential for expansion based on results and opportunities. The deadline to submit a proposal is 31 May 2023.

Please contact the College Research Office if you intend to apply.

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CoS I.D.E.A. Website

Browse I.D.E.A.'s knowledge repository here.


2023 Wall Planners

2023 wall planners are available now at the Oliphant reception.




Departmental seminars

Mr Christopher Leow - 31 May
Final PhD Seminar: Development of 2D nanomaterials for interlayer additions to carbon fibre thermoplastic composites for conductive property enhancement
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Professor Bob Camley - 2 June
Spin systems a unique playground for nonlinear behavior
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Dr Michael Hush, - 5 June
How to fix quantum computers, ruggedise quantum sensors and get a job in the quantum industry
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Info Session - 1 June

Information and Networking Session for ACT National Science Week - Dr AJ Mitchell

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Know your administrators...

Julie Arnold, Nikki Azzopardi, Belinda Barbour, James Campbell & Petra Rickman

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Know your School team...

Sue Berkeley -
Stores/Purchasing Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


Know your school team...

Phil Dooley -
Manager, Marketing and Communications (part time)
0414 945 577


HDR Update

Development & Training
May & June

30 May | Influencer 101- the Fine Art of Personal Branding for Researchers
31 May | 3MT Tryouts: Session 1

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2023 Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Education - Nominations Open

Do you know an exceptional teacher or supervisor? The College of Science wants to recognise and celebrate those within our community who have gone above and beyond expectations to provide excellent educational experiences for our students. 

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GYSS 2024 - Applications Now Open

The ANU has been invited to participate in the prestigious Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2024 to be held 8-12 January 2024 at the Stephen Riady Centre, National University of Singapore.

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Mindfulness Practice For ANU Staff And Students

ANU Counselling and Wellbeing are running weekly 20-minute mindfulness practice sessions that are open to all staff and students. 

Register here

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ARC Industry Fellowships - Open For NOIs

1. The ARC Mid-Career Industry Fellowship 2024 is scheduled to open on 5 July, 2023

2. The ARC Industry Laureate Fellowship 2024 is scheduled to open on 22 August, 2023

3. The ARC Early-Career Industry Fellowship 2024 is scheduled to open on 6 September, 2023

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ARC LP23 R2 - Now Open

The ARC has opened assessment round 2 of Linkage Projects for funding in 2023 (LP23) in RMS.

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Local Innovation training and funding

7th-8th August 2023

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Free Flu Vaccinations

To provide more flexibility for staff in 2023, the University is offering three options for receiving the free flu vaccination:

1. On campus at the ANU Medical Centre;

2. On campus at the ANU Pharmacy; and

3. Off campus by accessing a voucher code to be used at a Terry White Chemist (various locations throughout Australia).

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What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

1. Inform your supervisor or course convenor. 

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. It is no longer required to report positive RAT tests to ACT Health, however it is strongly encouraged to do so, using this online form.


WHS SharePoint

WHS SharePoint


From Last Week...

MRFF Funding Opportunities

DIN Pilot Project Funding Scheme


Physics @ ANU





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