The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 45 no 37 | 14–18 September 2020


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

It’s good to see signs of Spring everywhere.  I hope you had a chance to enjoy the weather.

Last Thursday it was a pleasure to invite ACT Minister, Shane Rattenbury, on campus to present seven ACT businesses a share in more than $1.1 million in grants from the Renewable Energy Innovation Fund (Canberra Times article). Of the winners, two companies, PV Lab and FlexeGRAPH, have had long associations with Physics and we have had the pleasure of hosting some of their technical facilities.  They were represented by their founders, Dr Shannon Notley (FlexeGRAPH, left) and Dr Michelle McCann and Lawrence McIntosh (PV Lab, right), seen above.  It is great to see ACT is leading the country in shifting dependencies on fossil fuels.  Well done to PV Lab and FlexeGRAPH.

By the end of the day I will have met with all Departments and Professional staff groups to provide an update on how the School is managing some of the recent staff separations and budget pressures.  My intention is to meet periodically to listen to your concerns and to address questions. 

Have a good week,



This weeks update includes:

  • ARC Confidentiality Policy Update 
  • ARC Laureate Fellowship and Industrial Transformation Research Program now open 
  • ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar (15 Sept)
  • RSD Seminar Series Recordings

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Congratulations to Stuart S. Szigeti, Samuel P. Nolan, John D. Close, and Simon A. Haine on their publication "High-Precision, Quantum-Enhanced Gravimetry with a Bose-Einstein condensate"

Congratulations to ANU CIs: John Close, Stuart Szigeti, Simon Haine, and Angela White on a recent grant.

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ANU COVID restrictions are still in place

Can all staff please be aware that the following ANU COVID restrictions are still in place for communal areas and gatherings. 

  • 1.5m physical distance always. This also applies to outside eating areas.
  • Maximum occupancy of areas adhered to.
  • No shared food. Individual servings of food are the best option and prepared separately.
  • No shared cutlery, plates etc. We are unable to provide any of these items at this stage. Please use disposable plates and cutlery.
  • Appropriate cleaning of area after gathering.

With more people leaving the University, we want to give them the best possible send-off, but we must also follow the restrictions in place for a continued safe working environment.

The University has also reinstated functions, events and venue hire on Campus in compliance with the University Guidelines and ACT Government COVID-19 restrictions. Please see here for further details.

As always, contact for any further information.




September Events

16 September
Mr Sonachand Adhikari
Growth of AlGaN nanostructure by MOCVD
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17 September
Mr Shimul Nath
Filamentary Threshold Switching in Niobium Oxides-Final PhD Seminar
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23 September
Mr Matthias Wurdack
Towards polariton condensation in atomically-thin semiconductors
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24 September
Public forum: Australia, the global renewable energy pathfinder
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Zuzana Slavkovska, AMS group, Nuclear Physics, has won the SPARC PhD Prize 2020 for the best PhD thesis related to atomic physics studies at GSI and FAIR. Congratulations Zuzana.



Reduce ANU contributions to climate change. We are now seeking your help.

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Help us find our winning Science, Health and Medicine photos!

Submissions have closed, and shortlisting completed. Now we need your help to pick our winners!

Vote now for your favourite images in each category for the College of Science, and College of Health and Medicine 2021 calendar. Voting closes 24 September and winners will be announced on Friday 25 September.


From Last Week

CSIRO Postgraduate Top-up Scholarships



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