The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 49 | 9–13 December 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues

I am so very pleased to congratulate Matt Goh (DQS), this year’s University Medallist in Physics and Rhodes Scholar elect. One of the most significant international scholarships in the world, Matt will receive three years of full funding for a DPhil in Physics at the University of Oxford. The above image is of Matt (left) Sophie Ryan from UQ and Marcus Dahl another ANU graduand, the Australia-at-large Rhodes Scholars-elect.  A fabulous association for Physics, and I believe Matt is our 3rd Scholar.

Distinguished Professor Jagadish is to be awarded the 2019 Beattie Steel Medal by the Australian Optical Society. This prestigious award is given “to outstanding leaders with a strong and sustained record of authority, enterprise and innovation in the field of optics in Australia or New Zealand”. My congratulations to Jagadish, it is a fabulous way to round out another significant year for him.

In a School with as many experts as ours it is sometimes easy to forget to look left and right before answering a general question.  I am too frequently reminded by observation of others, as well as my own lapses, that inclusion is as simple as deferring to a colleague for their thoughts on a topic. 

Have a great week as we race towards the holidays.  Don’t forget the inaugural Grand Graduation tomorrow starting at 10:30, University Avenue.  It should be a very impressive event.  Also, I have a few tickets left for the Salon event tonight (see Sue for tickets, which are a normally $110, but free if you’re quick!!)




ARC Grant Round Debrief

The School will provide a debriefing on the recent ARC grant rounds - as well as provide some advice for applicants for the upcoming Discovery and DECRA rounds – at 2.00 pm on Friday 13th December in the RSPhys Seminar Room. 

This year both RSPhys and CoS will run a peer review process to help our applicants. To hear the details, please come along to this meeting.


Physics in the Pub call for presenters - Jan 17

The yearly Pub event as part of the Physics Summer School is coming up. We have some fun demos and quantum based talk - looking for a couple of other presenters: variety welcome!  (e.g. Astro, maths, Earth sci, chem, engineeringy physics) Let me know ASAP if you or a colleague are interested.

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On 10 October 2019, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, Minister for Education, requested that the ARC consult on the initiatives which will help promote women’s involvement in ARC grant processes. The ARC is currently seeking your response to the actions proposed in the discussion paper via a survey - read more to participate.

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Congratulations to our School Director, Tim Senden, on his election as a Fellow of US National Academy of Inventors for his contributions to invention, innovation and commercialisation.  He has been recognised to “have demonstrated a highly prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on the quality of life, economic development, and welfare of society.” He will be inducted into the Academy on April 10, 2020 at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, AZ. 

Congratulations Tim. Well done and great recognition indeed. Jagadish




Graduation ceremonies will be on 10, 11, 12 and 13 December 2019. Congratulations to all those graduating from the Class of 2019.


Cut-off dates for financial processing

Account payable:Mon, 9 Dec
Account receivable:Fri, 13 Dec
Journal request:Mon, 16 Dec
Purchase orders:Mon, 23 Dec


Monday 9 December 2019 
China in the World

Join some of Australia’s foremost creative thinkers and entrepreneurs as they explore the power of repurposing ideas for radical innovation.

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PULSE Training

New compulsory module on PULSE, for all staff. It is called “University WHS induction”.


Joe Hope is away 18/11 - 15/12. Ben Buchler will be acting Associate Director (Education) during this period.

Andrew Stuchbery is away 9-13 December, Steve Tims will be acting HoD.



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CoS Academic Performance Standards

CV Guidelines


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