The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 24 | 17–21 June 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a pleasant weekend. 

While the process for changing our name proceeds, I thought I should share with you one of the wonderful consequences of this proposal.  The image above shows a card received from our friends and colleagues at CECS last week;  "To the Director & staff of RSPE, thank you for the extra-ordinary act of university collegiality in asking Council to agree to you becoming the Research School of Physics. From the Dean, Staff and Students of CECS".  It was a true pleasure to receive this, and illustrates that we all share the same vision for ANU.

Please join me and congratulate Professor Hoe Tan as our new Associate Director (Infrastructure).  Hoe’s long association with the development of nanofabrication facilities is well known in the School and I am very pleased to have his experience in the School Executive.  I invite staff and students to speak with him about their ideas to strengthen our research infrastructure and support our technical staff.  I would also like to thank all the applicants for this position, each of whom amply demonstrated their passion for the School.

Prof Lan Fu, AD(HDR), will be acting Director for the next week while I join our AD(Education), Prof Joe Hope, and Masters Convenor, A/Prof Jong Chow, in Shandong to map the curriculum for the upcoming joint Shandong/ANU College.  We will also be meeting some of the potential students for next year.

Best regards,



Professor Yuri Kivshar, at the University of Sydney Nano Institute presenting All-dielectric resonant meta-optics and nanophotonics.


Making science equitable is not about giving everyone the same opportunities; it’s about supporting the needs of individual scientists so that we all can thrive. This is why more organisations and conference organisers should offer support for parents and other caretakers who incur additional expenses for work-related travel.

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Three Minute Thesis student competition

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) international research student competition is on again for 2019 and The Australian National University is currently preparing for the School and College heats followed by the ANU final.

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Tailored Academic Skills Workshops for RSPE 19-26 June 2019

Registrations for NECTAR Forum 2019 are now open 2 July 2019

Fulbright Scholarships Program 15 July 2019

INFN - program UE Marie-Curie  16 July 2019

2019 ANU Global Research Partnerships Scheme 23 August 2019 


Mathematica Workshops 17-18 June

Paul Abbott is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computing at the University of Western Australia and is running three workshops this week at ANU. See below for details.

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Chemistry at the Pub - 19 June

Cartoonist and physicist Larissa Huston (ANU Physics) is going to share a tale of two nano-sisters, silicon and germanium in Physics in the Pub - this week.

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meriSTEM Volunteering Hour - 26 June

Volunteers needed - Join a great bunch of people to improve usability and accessibility of the meriSTEM Physics videos for Year 11 and 12 students....see below for details. 

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Women in Computational Topology

Save the date: 1 July 2019, Hanna Neumann Building main seminar room (MSI).

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June Seminars

17 June
Professor Xiao Wei Sun
Quantum dot displays - IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecture
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20 June
Dr Sean Hodgman
Towards ultracold metastable helium in a 3D optical lattice
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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Tim Senden will be in China 18-24 June 2019, Lan Fu will be acting Director. Tim will maintain all delegations during this period.

Joe Hope will be in China 18-24 June 2019, Cormac Corr will be acting ADE.

Cedric Simenel will be away 3-25 June. Acting HoD during this period is Murray Batchelor 3-10 June and Vanessa Robins 11-25 June.


Department Meetings

Dept meeting - 11am 18 June.


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.



JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

CoS Academic Performance Standards

CV Guidelines


Contacts for RSPE – College Jaeger Hub

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