The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 82 | 13–17 August 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I can’t think of a better way to kick off Science Week than with Friday’s great announcement of the ACT Scientist of the Year going to Dr Rose Ahlefeldt (LPC). Rose’s interview with 666 presenter, Anna Vidot, can be caught at here about 1h 21m in.  It’s great to have Rose as an ambassador for science. (Thanks to James Walsh CoS for the above pic.)

Many thanks to Andrew Papworth and his outreach team who educated and entertained literally thousands of school students at the Old Kingston Bus Depot last Friday, as a kick-off for Science Week. Together they helped students solve physics-based clues to determine which of the four suspects stole a radioisotope thermoelectric generator.

Congratulations to Dr Cormac Corr (PRL) on being awarded the ‘Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy’. This prestigious and internationally recognised professional award is given in recognition of long experience and noted expertise in tertiary education.

Have a great week.  Look forward to seeing you at Market Day.  It’ll be one of our biggest!!  Lecturers, please remind your classes and post the details on your course Wattle site.




Conversations Across the Creek

Conversations Across the Creek
17 August 2018
An initiative by the Humanities Research Centre (HRC) and the Research School of Chemistry (RSC) to provide a space for continuing dialogue among scientists, social scientists, and humanities scholars.

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Decanting 20 August 2018

Hindmarsh are expected to complete all internal works to enable decanting by 20th August. If you are relocating please prepare as best you can up to this date so that removalists can complete the recanting process over the successive fortnight. Simon Foxcroft will be discussing further details with HoDs and DAs.


Save the Date - HDR Forum

The RSPE student reps will be holding an open forum on Thursday 23rd August and invite all HDR students to attend. Agenda items include mentoring, external advisors and career pathways in physics. Location tba.


Pinnacle Scholarships

Pinnacle's scholarships support disadvantaged LGBTIQ* students to reach their full potential by providing financial and mentoring support. Applications close 1 October 2018.

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ANU Community Forum

Is ANU family friendly? What is your experience? Join us for a discussion about ANU’s family friendly policies, and share your thoughts, challenges and hopes for making the university a more family-friendly environment.

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Gendered Labour Roles and rewards in Sceince

Despite progress, gender disparities in science persist. Women remain underrepresented in the scientific workforce and under rewarded for their contributions.

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CPAS Workshop for HDR Students

The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science will be holding a short workshop for HDR students of the Colleges of Science from Monday 26 November to Wednesday 28 November, 2018.

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We are pleased to announce that the next Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on fundamental and Applied Science – HIAS2018 will be held 19 – 21 November 2018 at the Australian National University hosted by the Department of Nuclear Physics and the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility.  

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Physics Market Day

Tuesday, 14 August 2018
11:30 - 2:00
Oliphant building, Physics South

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RSPE School Seminar - 16 August 2018

Dr Mark Lockrey
Cathodoluminescence – Probing luminescence on the nanoscale

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Departmental Seminars

15 August 2018
A/ProfDario Poletti
Many-body open quantum systems: transport and localization
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17 August 2018
Mr Thomas Shiell
The High Pressure Behaviour of Glassy Carbon - Creating harder-than-diamond materials
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Director's Colloquium - 21 August 2018

Prof Matthew England, UNSW 
Dispelling climate change myths – how ocean physics can help explain surprises in the modern-day climate record.

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Ms Uyen Nguyen is away from 13 - 24 August, please contact during this period.

Patrick Kluth will be away 6-17 August 2018,  Lan Fu will be Acting HOD.

Professor Mukunda Das is an invited speaker and Member of the International Organising Committee in the 5th Conference on New Advancement in Condensed Matter Physics at Kunming, PRC during 21-23 August 2018.


Meeting Room Changes

All meeting rooms can be booked via the Intranet meeting room booking page including the new fishbowl meeting room on L3 Oliphant.

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


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(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

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