Departmental Seminar

Many-body open quantum systems: transport and localization

Associate Professor Dario Poletti
Dynamics of Quantum Systems Group, Singapore University of Technology and Design

We study the interplay between interaction and dissipation and show two particular examples in which this brings to novel physics and interesting insights. In the first scenario we consider a segmented XXZ chain dissipatively driven at its boundaries. Such driving induces a spin current which can be different in forward or in reverse bias. We show that when the interaction is strong enough the reverse bias current can vanish, while the forward bias is finite, thus resulting in a perfect spin current diode [1]. We then consider a disordered XXZ chain and coupled to a bath that opposes disorder. We show that despite the presence of a bath, it is possible to observe localization properties of this many-body system by studying the single particle reduced density matrix [2].

[1] Vinitha Balachandran, Giuliano Benenti, Emmanuel Pereira, Giulio Casati, Dario Poletti, "Perfect diode in quantum spin chains", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 200603 (2018)
[2] Xiansong Xu, Chu Guo, Dario Poletti, "Interplay of interaction and disorder in the steady state of an open quantum system", Phys. Rev. B 97, 140201 (2018)

Date & time

Wed 15 Aug 2018, 11am–12pm



Oliphant Seminar Room (414)


Members of RSPE welcome


A/Prof Dario Poletti