The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 66 | 23–27 April 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,
Congratulations to the founding members of the ANU Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors launched by Dr RA Mashelker, former Director General of India’s Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, our DVC(R), Prof Margaret Harding and inaugural Chapter President, Prof C. Jagadish last Thursday.  The photo above shows the first members of the new Chapter of this international, US-based academy in which membership is recognised through granting of a US patent.  The Chapter aims to develop a social and professional network for all inventors on campus.
The final sketch plans for the buildings have been sent to the working parties.  Could working party members please consult with your colleagues as this is the last chance to amend any details.  For those not on a working party and with an interest in this critical final review please see Simon Foxcroft for copies.
PDRs: Not long to go now before all PDRs are due.  Please review the notes regarding these discussions as there are some new requirements in advance of our School review. Could academic staff please make sure they have an ORCID number and have validated their Insight records (



Gender Inequity in Science. Why is it still with us?
Why is gender equality in science and medicine still a struggle? In spite of repeated calls for change, change is taking place too slowly and extra momentum is needed to spur it on its way. We need change urgently, and this change needs to start at the top, with the faculty and institute heads. The following simple and inexpensive steps could make a huge difference:

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2018 academic promotion round. Information sessions commence 1 May and provide practical information and advice regarding the academic promotion process, including how to prepare a case for promotion.

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Visualise your Thesis
Digital channels offer researchers new opportunities for communicating the complexities of your research to broad audiences. The Visualise Your Thesis competition for Australian universities helps graduate researchers hone and showcase their research communication skills, and promote their research.

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Australian Academy of Science 2019 Awards. The closing date for honorific award nominations is 1 May 2018 and 1 June 2018 for research conferences, research awards and travelling fellowships. 

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The Forrest Research Foundation has been established with a gift of AU$130 million to support PhD scholars and post-doctoral fellows at any of the five universities in Western Australia. Applications for the second round of post-doctoral fellowships opened on 19 March and close on 18 May 2018.

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Research Award Rules - Recent changes to the Research Award Rules means that candidates are no longer required to provide a hardbound copy of their final thesis to the university prior to conferral.

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The UA-DAAD scheme supports exchanges for Australian researchers from University Australia (UA) member universities, and German researchers from German universities and research institutes. This scheme is open for the exchange of academics with a focus on early career researchers and junior scholars from both countries who are working on joint (new or already established) research projects.

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Science Education - There are many opportunities for us to participate in science education in Primary Schools. Marcus Doherty and Liam Hanlon are regular visitors to Florey Primary School and present an engaging set of activities for the students. In the above picture Marcus is carrying the Van der Graaff generator and Liam has the Plasma Ball. The students also got to use the static electricity wands and dodge the ball bearings from the Gauss Rifle. (Thanks to Andrew Papworth for the story.)




School Seminars

23 April
Prof Eiji Ideguchi
Nuclear structure studies using CAGRA gamma-ray spectrometer at RCNP, RIKEN, and JAEA
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24 April
Prof Anushree Roy
III-V Semiconductor nanowires - Unique Crystal Structure and Electronic Band Structure
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26 April
Miss Chandrima Sengupta
Elastic Scattering Measurement of 8Li on heavy and medium mass targets at the Australian National University
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27 April
Mr Inseok Yang
InP/InGaAs Quantum Well Nanowire Light Sources for Integrated Photonics
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30 April
Mr Pablo Mota Santiago
Swift heavy-ion irradiation of silica/silicon nitride composite systems: from ion tracks to nanoparticle shaping
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3 May
Mr Eliezer Estrecho
Exciton-polariton condensation in complex potentials
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Director's Colloquium

30 April 2018
A/Prof Jenni Adams
Neutrino window on the Universe

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Inaugural Research Capabilities Expo
Research support and service facilities will be showcasing their expertise and capabilities available to researchers at ANU, external Universities and commercial clients, 2 May 2018.

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Develop skills to make connections

The ANU Technology Transfer Office is hosting an intensive, full-day workshop for ANU researchers interested in developing their industry engagement skills, 21 May 2018.

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ANU policy on traveling non-economy
Please note that premium-economy airline travel requires the Dean’s approval. If you or your staff feel that special consideration is warranted please contact the School Director. Approval should be sought prior to the purchase of tickets.


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Sonia Padrum will be away on Tuesdays and Thursdays unil May. Please email for any urgent matters.

Goran Radovanovic will be away from 16th-27th April. Please forward any stores or purchasing questions to

A/Prof. Matthew Hole will be at a program meeting for the IAEA from 23 - 27 April, then visiting ITER from 30 April - 25 May as part of the ITER Science Fellows Network, and participating in a International Tokamak Physics Activity meeting in Energetic Particles.


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


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