The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 36 | 25–29 September 2017


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks to Professor Hoe Tan for leading the School so ably over the past two weeks.

The pic of the week shows Robert Ward and I enjoying a day off at the Mutianyu Great Wall (Jong Chow is behind the camera).  The recent College of Science delegation is one of a series lead by our Deans over the past few years that have developed several significant relationships with top Chinese institutions around research-led teaching and HDR training.  I am grateful to Jong Chow and Jay Poria for their efforts in building these links. We had fun, visiting 13 fabulous universities, and I'll return in October to explore a few more. The photo at the end shows Robert presenting on the ANU contributions to LIGO at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou.  Science presentations like this are a crucial part building lasting engagements.  My trip report will highlight different ways you might like to engage, here and in China.  Please speak to your Head when it comes out.

Join me next Thursday at the John Carver Seminar Series.  It’s a great line up, showcasing our excellent student research.

Please ensure that you have engaged with your Department in planning for the next 3-6-9, being scheduled now.

Have a good long weekend,





John Carver Seminar Series 2017

Come and support your fellow students - Thursday, 28 September 2017 @ 10.25 am in the Finkel Lecture Theatre.

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Access and Equity

Low diversity levels - US universities fall short in hiring women and under-represented minorities.

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Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund

The Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF)

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Women-only position - Uni of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is advertising a women-only physics position. This follows the Uni Melb and ANU doing the same in Maths.


Registrations Close Soon - HDR Retreat to the NSW South Coast

HDR student organised initiative - A weekend at the South Coast - Kioloa 6-8 November 2017

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Departmental seminars

Ms Preeti Gopal - 22 September
Improving Multi-slice Tomographic Reconstruction
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Dr Josh Machacek - 28 September
Exotic atom scattering: Building a positronium beam
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3 October
Joint ANU/Beijing/Nanjing Workshop on Theoretical Physics and Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures
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"Lite" Milk is Coming

Moving to reduced fat milk.

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Staff Movements

Theoretical Physics
Professor Mukunda Das is invited to participate and give a keynote talk in the International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology to be held at Berlin, Germany during 25-26 September 2017.

Kath Hicks will be on leave from 26–29 September 2017. Any urgent requests should be sent to

Applied Maths
Martina Landsmann will be away from 22 September - 23 October 2017. All enquiries shold be directed to

Ms Uyen Nguyen will be away from 26 - 29 September. 2017 Please contact  during her absence.




Safety incident & hazard reporting guidelines.

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First Aid Training

16 October 2017 - Senior First Aid - Initial 

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RSPE Health & Safety Courses

Emergency Warden Training

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PhD Workshops

EARN an ANU Postgraduate Award and improve your skills in communicating your science.

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