The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 27 | 24–28 July 2017


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks to Prof Rob Elliman for holding the fort last week. I hope all those Grand Challenge discussions are progressing well, remembering that video submission are due on Monday. EA update: Sue Wigley will be joining us on 14th August.  Good luck to those starting up second semester teaching, and for those who would like to assist with tutes and labs please speak with Prof Joe Hope.

I hope to have some news about our Capital Works proposal very soon.

This week’s pic comes from A/Prof Matthew Hole’s recent trip to ITER in Cadarache, France and the largest research and development centre for fusion energy in Europe.

Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to update your student projects for Market Day.




Congratulations Jagadish!

Please join the school in congratulating Jagadish and his collaborators for the IUMRS-SOMIYA Award 2017.

Semiconductor nanowires for optoelectronics applications

  • C Jagadish  (leader of the team)
  • Jin Zou, UQ
  • Michael Johnston, Oxford
  • Leigh Smith, Cincinnati
  • Antonio Polimeni, Rome

This award is in recognition of the highest quality collaborative work, across at least two continents, which is well recognized by the international materials community and has a major impact on technology or society.

Well done Jagadish.


Congratulations Eli!

Congratulations to Eli Estrecho, of the Polariton BEC group, on winning the 1st "Gold" award (500 EUR) for the best poster presentation entitled "Single-shot imaging of exciton-polariton condensates" at PLMCN18 in Wuerzburg. This international meeting remains the biggest and most important annual conference in the field. This was not a "student prize", as one of the "Bronze" prizes and the "Silver" prize were awarded to postdoctoral fellows. There were 170 posters in total!

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Physics Project Market Day 15 August

Some important Physics Project Market Day dates that you should add to your diary:

  1. By July 30th - Upload available student projects
  1. By August 1st - RSVP for Market Day (REQUIRED so we know how many poster boards to make available) (
  1. By August 11th - Print poster (to assist the SCU in managing the printing load)
  1. Physics Project Market Day Tuesday 15th August (11.30am to 2pm)  the  Student Commons at the ANU Pop-up village (lunch provided)

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Call for Expression of Interest for RSPE Summer Research Scholarship Coordinator

The School welcomes expression of interests from RSPE mid-career researchers to take on the role as the RSPE 201­7-2018 Summer Research Scholarship (SRS) Coordinator.

The deadline for expressions of interest is Monday 31 July 2017.

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Call for Participants – RSPE 3 Minute Thesis Competition 2017

The 3MT international research student competition is on again for 2017 and The Australian National University is currently preparing for the School and College heats followed by the 3MT ANU final. This event is for higher degree research students to showcase their research. The School encourages student participation from all departments.

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Residential Student Scholarships

Are you a first year PhD student from an AINSE member university?

Are you available to be onsite at an ANSTO facility (at Lucas Heights, Camperdown and/or Clayton) for 6 months or more per year?

Residential Student Schaolarships are an opportunity for a PhD scholarship within the AINSE program related to the strategic objectives of ANSTO in the areas of:

• Human Health
• Environment
• Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Please note expressions of interest close 28 July 2017.

For further information please contact

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Funding Opportunity: Cooperative Research Centre Project (CRC-Ps) now open

The call for applications to the Cooperative Research Centre Project (CRC-Ps) are now open.

The Programme is open to all industry sectors and research disciplines and funding is available to organisations from all industry, research and community sectors.

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The United States Energy Transition

Dr Martin Keller

Wednesday 26 July

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Departmental seminars

Professor Ross Stephens - 21 July
Cancer as Mutation Driven Deregulated Growth and Dedifferentiation
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Dr Tom White - 27 July
Halide Perovksites for Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics
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Dr Daniel A. Horke - 2 August
Controlling the motion of very large molecules and particles
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Mr Xin Chen - 9 August
All-optical ferroelectric domain engineering by infrared femtosecond pulses
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Professor Peter Gill - 11 August
Accurate solutions of the Schrödinger equation for electrons on spheres
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Staff Movements

Susie Radovanovic is on leave from Monday 10 July for an extended time.  Reception will be covered by Nikki Azzopardi.

Josephine Ivanic is away on extended leave. Gail Bissell will cover the tearoom during this time.

Benjamin Parker-Brown is away until 10th August and Goran Randovanovic will be away from 19th July – 25th August. All purchasing requests should be sent to store or via email to


RSPE Health & Safety upcoming courses

WHS courses book through Horus

Friday 28 July - Ionizing Radiation Safety (WHHR22)

Wednesday 9 August - Hazardous Waste Safety Officer Training (WHHR19)

Thursday 10 August - Ionizing Radiation Safety - Machines Refresher (WHHR25)

Wednesday 30 August - Corrosives Safety (WHHR06)

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The primary access for vehicles is the use of ANU Carshare.  Details on how to access this facility are on the CarShare website

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School Truck

The keys and log book for the School Truck are now located in stores.


ACT AIP Women in Physics 2017 Lecture

Dr Katie Mack

Thursday 27 July

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