The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 14 | 24–28 April 2017


Distinguished Lecture - 28 April

Science, Innovation and Serendipity - Dr R A Mashelkar, FRS

Chairman, National Innovation Foundation
Former Director-General of India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Breakthroughs in science, technology & innovation due to serendipity or accidental breakthroughs are rather rare. Chance is an event but serendipity is a capability.


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Distinguished Lecture - 4 May

Professor Emeritus Chris McKee

Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley

Baryons and Dark Matter in the Galaxy

Dark matter — matter that gravitates but does not radiate —h as been studied by astronomers for more than a century. Evidence for its existence comes from observations of clusters of galaxies, of the rotation curves of galaxies and of the cosmic microwave background.

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Successful launch of ATLAS V rocket


Message from Christing Charles:
Iver texted from the launch site to say that the launch was perfect and that deployment of the CubeSats is scheduled for May 15. Wonderful news and congratulations to the team !!
 Image from Wikipedia Atlas V Launch


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March for Science

Scientists and friends of science around the world will be marching in support of science on Saturday, 22 April. The groups will be officially marching in 11 Australian cities, and will be promoting stable public science funding, open communication of science, evidence-based policy, and greater scientific literacy and education in critical thinking.

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2017 Academic Promotion round

It is highly recommended that all staff considering application for promotion attend the relevant information session. 

Supervisors are also encouraged to attend.

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Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities, including:

  • The Australian-French Entrepreneurship Challenge
  • Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2017
  • Various Regional Studies Association Grants and Awards
  • Student Travel Grant for France

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Restricted Access to Cockcroft Level 1

Monday 1 May to Thursday 4 May

Possible Radiation Hazard

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Industry Engagement Bootcamp

This intensive bootcamp aims to help researchers better engage with industry, including understanding industry needs, fostering productive business relationships, and learning to deliver a compelling pitch of their research project appropriate for the commercial world. 

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Departmental seminars

Professor S. Kalainathan - 21 April
Investigation on unidirectional growth of organic single crystal by Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy method and its characterization for scintillator device fabrication
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Professor Ctirad Klimcik - 27 April
T-duality in string theory
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Mr Boris Runov - 4 May
Summation of instantons in O(3) sigma model and quantum-classical duality (mid-term review seminar)
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Staff movements

School Services (SS)
Mr David Anderson is on leave 11-28 April.  Mr Wasantha Ramasundara will be acting EU Manager during this period.

Department of Applied Maths (AM)

Ms Martina Landsmann will be on leave 24 April to 8 May.



As part of our ongoing budget savings, we will be disposing of the School Golf in the next short while.  The transport options available to RSPE staff and students are available on the RSPE intranet transport webpage.

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Equity and Access

Women's Earnings and Income

A statistical overview of the gender wage gap in Australia, Canada, the United States, and globally.

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Searching for Alumni with interesting careers

Motivated by both the response to the RSPE Cultural survey and continued feedback from students and staff we are working to put together a quick series of short alumni profiles of Physics ANU graduates.

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Science Early Career Academic Development Scheme

Aims to provide support, mentoring and training for early career academic staff in the STEM Colleges.

CPMS is seeking mid-career and more senior staff willing to act as a mentor for a more junior colleague.

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Workplace Safety

RSPE Health & Safety Representative (HSR)

The School's HSR is Mr Steven Marshall who is located in the Electronics Unit.

ANU WEG is seeking interest for participants who wish to undertake HSR Training

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