The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 37 | 19–23 September 2016


Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium from 18 – 20 September 2016

The symposium will have two parallel workshops: 

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Diversity and Equity Culture Survey

On Monday 19 September we will be launching the Diversity and Equity Culture Survey for our school. The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from staff and students on engagement inclusion and diversity. This will help us to both understand and improve our local work environment.

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John Carver Seminar Series 2016

John Carver Seminar Series next Thursday, 22 September 2016 from 9.25 am in Finkel Lecture Theatre.

All students are encouraged to support their colleagues by attending the talks.

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PEC Planning Day

Many thanks to everyone who attended the Planning Day. It was a fabulous show and a brilliant testament to our ability to work in a way that others dream of. Thanks go to Laura and Joe for coordinating another memorable day.

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Staff Awards & Scholarships

CMBE/CPMS Excellence in Education Awards



Early Career Academic Workshops

Higher Degree Research Student Supervisors


Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities.

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Equity and Access

Focused Collection: Gender in Physics

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Privacy Room

The Research School of Physics and Engineering has a privacy room that is now available for use.

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ANU Innovation Challenge 2016

Innovation is a recurring theme in research and industry, yet is something that is largely missing for ANU undergraduates outside the classroom or research laboratory. The ANU Innovation Challenge is one way ANU students are changing this!

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Founder's Day 2016

Friday 14 October 2016

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Staff movements

Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Prof Hoe Tan will be travelling 21 September - 16 October 2016. Dr Jenny Wong Leung will be acting HoD 21 September - 2 October, followed by Prof Patrick Kluth 3-16 October.


School Seminar Program - 29 September

Metamaterials at the intersection of electromagnetics and mechanics - Dr David Powell

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Public Lecture - 21 September

Let the quantum be! or How we learnt to accept uncertainty and love weirdness - Dr Peter J Riggs

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Departmental seminars

Eberhard Widmann - 19 September
Antihydrogen - a tool to study matter-antimatter symmetry in the laboratory
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Dr Charlotte O'Neale - 20 September
IOP Publishing: What we can do for you
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Dr Christopher Wesselborg - 21 September
Working at the Physical Review: An Editor's Perspective
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Professor Michael Thoennessen - 23 September
Exploration of the Nuclear Universe
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Mr Carl Yang - 23 September
An Iterative Approach to Beam Hardening Correction using the Alvarez-Makovski Model
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Training courses:

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