The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 34 | 29 August–2 September 2016


Director's Colloquium - 6 September

Topological Electronics - Professor Michael S. Fuhrer

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RSPE Building Project Update and Presentation

In conjunction with the circulation of the school’s Draft Project Master Plan the Architects have been asked to attend and present the key aspects to an open forum.

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Staff Awards & Scholarships

CMBE/CPMS Excellence in Education Awards


Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities.

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Colleges of Science Gender Equity Seminar

9th HOPE meeting with Nobel Laureates

September Early Career Academic Workshops

Higher Degree Research Student Supervisors


Equity and Access

‘One Nation’ – but a nation for who?

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John Carver Seminar Series 2016

Nominations are being called for the John Carver Seminar Series 2016. This is a fantastic annual competition that enables our students to showcase their research to the fellow students.

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PEC Planning Day: Thursday 15 September 2016

The Physics Education Centre (PEC) will be holding its annual Planning Day on Thursday 15 September up at Mt Stromlo (9am to 5pm).  This is a day for the entire School to engage around our teaching program. So famous is this annual event that other Schools send representatives!

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"This is one of those beautiful innovations that happens when technical excellence meets unmet need".

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Parking update

The refurbishment of the large carpark adjacent to the NCI building is now underway.  Additional parking is available at the old administration area – adjacent the Menzies Library.

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Privacy Room

The Research School of Physics and Engineering has a privacy room that is now available for use.

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Departmental seminars

Dr Cédric Simenel - 29 August
Formation and Dynamics of Fission Fragments
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Ms Hannah Willet - 31 August
The role of plasma instabilities in the onset of detachment in the York Linear Plasma Device
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Dr Gavin Young - 2 September
Evolutionary significance of the giant fossil fish Edenopteron from the NSW south coast
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Dr Hanna Joyce visiting 21 August - 1 September 2016 to collaborate with A/Prof Jenny Wong-Leung on their ARC project.


Staff movements

Directors Office (DO)
Prof Tim Senden 
will be interstate 30-31 August 2016. A/Prof Adrian Sheppard will be acting Director during this period.

Plasma Research Laboratory (PRL)
A/Prof James Sullivan is travelling 26 August - 14 September 2016. Dr Cormac Corr will be acting HoD during this period.



Mr Dhruv Saxena (PhD EME) on his award for a Newton International Fellowship. Dhruv will take up the fellowship next year at Oxford University in Prof. Michael Johnston's group, working on perovskites. This is a very competitive fellowship awarded by the Royal Society.


Congratulations to Alex and Katie Shanahan (MW) on the birth of their son, Jude Thomas, born on Tuesday 23 August.  We wish them all the best at this happy time.


ANU Innovation Challenge 2016

Innovation is a recurring theme in research and industry, yet is something that is largely missing for ANU undergraduates outside the classroom or research laboratory. The ANU Innovation Challenge is one way ANU students are changing this!

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Launch of the new ANU OK app by PARSA and ANU Security

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New Espresso Machine

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Bike Shed Clean Up

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