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November 2015

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Seminar Room lv4-41415
Lpc seminar
Nonlinear optical and transport effects in graphene
Andy Feng-EME Final Thesis seminar
EME Dept meeting
NHP Safety Products Showcase
Exciton optics of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
Qi PhB talk
SA/DA Meeting
NLPC Departmental Seminar
NLPC Seminar - Smirnova
SPIE student seminar
EME off the cuff seminar
Jack - Project seminar
NLPC Admin Support Meeting
EME & IEEE Semianr Prof Goda - DL talk
Honours examiners' meeting
Andrea Hadley - group meeting
NLPC Seminar
Diamond scholar meeting
Project presentation - Sanjoy & Jack
plasma seminar
Sanjoy ANFF Showcase Talk
NLPC Seminar - Antonosyan
Stuart Nulty Midterm
NLPC Seminar - Bontempi
ECR/ MCR Cohort School Forum
EME off the cuff seminar
FEI @ Applied Maths
Conference Room lv4-41511
Project Meeting - Jagadish
MCA Meeting - jodie
Building Meeting Group
Project Meeting - Jagadish
PRL meeting
Kluth group meeting
Project Meeting - Jagadish
Meeting with ALD users
Ken Baldwin AIC meeting
Plasma meeting
Building Meeting Group
NLPC Postdoc/Res Fellow Interviews
PPRL meeting to discuss 3-6-9
AMPL meeting
PPPL meeting
Project Meeting - Jagadish
ampl senior staff meeting
WHS - asbestos awarness course
DCTA Overview
Project Meeting - Jagadish
LPC Honours practice talks
Carver Meeting Rm Lv3 LPC8
LPC CUDOS group meeting
Patrick Kluth group meeting
LPC CUDOS group meeting
LPC CUDOS group meeting
Advisory Meeting
LPC CUDOS group meeting
LPC CUDOS group meeting
Cockcroft Atrium Meeting Lv42
Oliphant Reception Fishbowl2
NLPC Experimental Photonics Group meeting
Meeting - HDR related
NLPC Experimental Photonics Group meeting
Student meeting
HDR related meeting (Lan Fu)
NLPC Experimental Photonics Group meeting
Student Admin - Sship ranking process
Bupa Corporate Health Insurance Consultation
NLPC Experimental Photonics Group meeting
Bupa Corporate Health Insurance Consultation
NLPC Experimental Photonics Group meeting
Oliphant Private Room 3.071
Oliphant Video Conf 4.063
Mohsen Workshop conferenc call