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March 2015

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Seminar Room lv4-41415
NLPC Seminar - Koenderink
NLPC Seminar
Kluth group meeting
Director-AMPL Meeting
Student Induction
HDR meeting
PEC meeting
Nanobubbles Research Forum
New Director
Department meeting with the Director
Practise talk
NLPC seminar Alex Yulin
School Distinguished Lecture - Cappaso
EME off the cuff seminar
EME Seminar S Thomas Picraux
NLPC seminar by visitng Prof. John Sipe
EME Ion-beam labs user meeting
Guo's Mid-term Seminar
NLPC Seminar - Li
Laura Herz EME seminar
Optical Sciences Group seminar
Conference Room lv4-41511
Project Meeting - Jagadish
MCA Meeting - jodie
AIP meeting
Student induction
RSPE Liaison Comittee meeting
School Forum
Building Working Group
Project Meeting - Jagadish
Nanobubbles Research Forum
Nanobubbles Research Forum
Nanobubbles Research Forum
Kavitha Robinson
Project Meeting - Jagadish
New Director
RSPE Liaison Comittee meeting
Wind energy meeting - Ken Baldwin
Positron Meeting
Kluth group meeting
Project Meeting - Jagadish
VC Forum
Meeting with ARC ED Brian Yates
Mid-term seminar
Prof S Buckman
Building Working Group
Project Meeting - Jagadish
MCA Meeting - jodie
VC Research School Directors meeting
ampl meeting
Carver Meeting Rm Lv3 LPC8
New Director
Special EXAM Phys 3032
Cockcroft Atrium Meeting Lv42
Oliphant Reception Fishbowl2
Comcare meeting
Technical Officer Interview - EME
WHS meeting - document review and update
laser inventory meeting WHS working group
Director applicant office
Director applicant office
Director applicant office
APFRF Teleconference
Oliphant Private Room 3.071
Oliphant Video Conf 4.063