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July 2014

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Seminar Room lv4-41415
School Commercialisation Series
Mid term practise talk
Colin Campbell MTR
Ridgway Group Meeting
LPC Seminar - Matt Sellars
EME Seminar-Wang
EMESeminar Dupuis
Technology Development meeting
Matt Sellars-Seminar
EME Dept Meeting
ECA/MCA meeting
AV upgrade
EME Seminar-Prof Hans-Peter Reithmaier
AMPL seminar - Dennis Schaart
EME Off the Cuff Seminar
Meeting and practice talks
AMPL Journal Club
AV upgrade - ITS
NLPC Seminar - Tsiminis
Ridgway Group Meeting
NLPC Seminar
DA Training
NLPC Seminar - Slobozhanyuk
Functional Metamaterials
Ridgway Group Meeting
Scientific Reports Chief Editor talks
NLPC Seminar - Khanikaev
EME Off the cuff seminar
EME Seminar-Prof Paul Koenraad
EME Off the Cuff Seminar
Project Meeting (Jagadish)
Director's Offiice
Director's Office
Director's Office
Project Meeting
Conference Room lv4-41511
Plasma Bites
WHS Committee meeting
HDR meeting- Scholte
HoDs #6
AMPL meeting
Project Meeting (Jagadish)
MCA Meeting - jodie
Pan's talk
AV upgrade
Project Meeting (Jagadish)
Science Admin/DA Meeting
Plasma Bites
AV upgrade - ITS
PEC syllabus meeting
AIP Congress planning
ASC talk
EME-3MT comp arvo tea
Project Meeting (Jagadish)
Core-shell nanowire fabrication and measurements
ANLEC Annual meeting
Fusion review
Fusion review
Directors' Office
Director's Office
Carver Meeting Rm Lv3 LPC8
PEC Syllabus Review: Meeting 5
PEC Syllabus Review: Meeting 6
Jiandong Ye - group meeting
AIP Congress CoGs
Cockcroft Atrium Meeting Lv42
Oliphant Reception Fishbowl2
Student Admin
TEMC2015 Teleconference
Switchboard Upgrade
Oliphant Private Room 3.071
Oliphant Video Conf 4.063