
Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue20 20–24 May 2019

Congratulations to Adrian Ankiewicz, Optical Sciences Group, RSPE, for the atricle in Physical Review journal.

Rogue waves in the deep ocean can sink ships and cause fatalities and widespread damage to other marine vessels. Such rare events can be mathematically explained by the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Among all reported rogue waves, just over 10 percent   occur  in  deep water, while more than 88 percent  are reported   near  coasts and in relatively shallow water. Much effort has been expended by scientists to explain these phenomena, however, till now, none of them have been   quite successful. Scientists in the Research School of Physics & Engineering at the Australian National University, Canberra, propose new types of such rogue waves by allowing for complex-valued solutions for the 'KdV ' equation.  This can model   waves in shallow water. In fact, the relative heights of these new waveforms can be much greater than those of the corresponding deep water rogue waves. They can thus pose a considerable threat to shipping and to people on beaches.

See for further details.