The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 9 | 7–11 March 2016


School Forum Agenda - Friday 11 March 2016

10-11.30am : RSPE Tea Room (all welcome)

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Previous Minutes and Matters Arising
  3. Director's Report
    • Building Master Planning Update (Mark Roehrs - Hassell Architects)
    • Campus Workshop Review
    • IT Review
  4. Deputy Director (Research) Report
  5. Deputy Director (Education) Report
  6. Deputy Director (Technology Development) Report
  7. School Representative Items
  8. Other Business

Morning tea will be provided.



Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Ms Ines Butz Physics exchange student from ETH-Zurich, undertaking a project with A/Prof Jodie Bradby in the area of ‘Indentation’ for the next 6 months.
Mr James Murray undertaking an MPhil with Prof Rob Elliman working on the project ‘Effect of irradiation on graphene and other 2D materials’.  You will remember James from when he was here last year working on an Honours project.
Mr Karun Paul Honours student undertaking a project with Dr Sudha Mokkapati in the area of ‘Junctionless Solar Cells’.


What are the biggest issues affecting women where you live?

From the RSPE Equity and Diversity Committee

On 8 March it is International Women’s Day, the annual celebration of women everywhere. 

This year we want to raise awareness of the most pressing issues that women are experiencing around the world, from FGM to pay inequality, to reproductive rights and misogynistic abuse.

To do this we are calling on female readers to tell us about what they perceive to be the biggest challenges women face where they live. 

Get involved by filling in the form below.


Supervisor training course

ANU HDR supervisors have the opportunity to take up the following professional development activities offered by the research training team in the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Research Training) and you are encouraged to attend if you can.  The professional development being offered is specific to your needs as a supervisor of HDR students. Come along and learn from experienced peers and share your own knowledge of supervision.  This is also an opportunity to build collegial networks across the ANU.

Research on supervision shows that supervisors perform five key roles for their students: keeping the research on track, helping students integrate with their community, challenging student's thinking, acting as a mentor and supporting students emotionally through the PhD journey.  Each session is geared around these key roles and restricted to HDR supervisors only.

Click on the links below to see details of each session and book your place. If you have missed out on the sessions of most interest several of them will be run again in semester two but places are limited. 


Online Performance Development - Supervisor Familiarisation Information Sessions

Performance and Development (PDP) Supervisor Familiarisation Sessions – March 2016

  • Tuesday 8 March, 10-11.30am - Professional Supervisors, Slatyer Seminar Room, Robertson Building 46
  • Wednesday 16 March10-11.30am - Academic Supervisors, Slatyer Seminar Room, Robertson Building 46
  • Thursday 24 March, 1-2.30pm - Academic Supervisors, Room 1.04A, Coombs Extension Building

Please note these sessions are not college specific. Please register via HORUS for any of these PDP supervisor familiarisation sessions.

Please use training code PDP01 to register for Academic Supervisor Sessions.
Please use training code PDP02 to register for Professional Supervisor Sessions.




School Seminar Program - 17 March

Stochastic dynamics of interacting systems and asymmetric exclusion processes - Dr Vladimir Mangazeev

» read more


Departmental seminars

Professor Christoph E. Duellmann - 4 March
Along a GSI superheavy element experiment, including excursions to topics that link to ANU
» read more

Dr M. J. Lederer - 4 March
Laser development and integration at the European XFEL User Facility
» read more

Dr Zhenguo Huang - 8 March
Boron: from energy storage to nanomaterials
» read more

Miss Kate Ferguson - 8 March
Final PhD Presentation: Generation and storage of multimode, time-delayed entanglement in a spin-wave quantum memory
» read more

Dr Vanessa Robins - 9 March
Topological data analysis for materials science applications
» read more


International Women's Day

The school will provide afternoon tea at 3.15pm on Tuesday 8 March in the RSPE tea­room to celebrate International Women’s Day. All welcome.



Staff movements

Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Professor Hoe Tan 
is travelling 10-11 March 2016. A/Prof Lan Fu will be acting Head of Department during this period.


Congratulations to Amanda White (CQC2T) and Andy on the birth of their daughter, Lucy Abigail Haines, on Saturday 27 February.  We wish them all the best at this happy time.



Training course:

  • Corrosives (OHSA07) 17 March

Registration via HORUS


Call for Applications: Scholarship for Space Plasma, Astronomy and Astrophysics

The scholarship is intended to aid postgraduate research students undertaking a project in Space Plasma, Astronomy or Astrophysics and in exceptional circumstances to an undergraduate. Up to four scholarships may be awarded for use towards travel, acquiring of equipment or collaboration activities as required. Further details including eligibility and conditions of the award can be found online. Applicants need to present a case outlining the intended use of funds and how it will assist their current research. A brief supervisor's support statement is also required. No formal application form is required.

Applications open 1 March 2016 and close 5pm, 31 March 2016. The application should be submitted to the RSPE Student Administration office via


2016 Dunlap Institute Summer School

14-19 August 2016 

Introduction to Astronomical Instrumentation

  • Learn basic principles of radio, infrared, optical, x-ray and gamma-ray instrumentation
  • Learn how detectors and spectrographs work
  • Learn in lecture and hands-on laboratory sessions
  • Learn about a career in instrumentation
  • Work with students from around the world
  • Learn from international leaders in the field of astronomical instrumentation
  • Attend a professional development/ mentoring session

Registration Fee: $500 Travel subsidies and registration fee waivers available Application and Travel Subsidy Deadline: 15 April 2016

» read more


Call for applications to participate in Australia's first Falling Walls Lab

The Academy invites applications from Australian researchers, Postdocs and students, entrepreneurs, engineers and innovators to attend Australia’s first Falling Walls Lab in 2016.

Up to 25 contestants will be invited to participate in this challenge with each required to give a 3 minute presentation on their research, business model or initiative based on the “Which walls will fall next” concept.

Candidates should be research active in any field of the natural sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine as well as social sciences and humanities.

Deadline for applications is 5pm (AEST) 23 May 2016.

» read more



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