The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 4 | 1–5 February 2016



On Australia Day Jagadish was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia (AC), one of our highest civilian honours. This award is reserved for individuals who serve the Australian and international communities at an extremely high level.


RSPE Seminar - 9 February

The Story of Single Molecules, from Early Spectroscopy in Solids, to Super-Resolution Nanoscopy in Cells and Beyond - Professor W.E. Moerner, Nobel Laureate

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Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)

Shelly Song is joining EME & ANFF as the ANFF administrator. Shelly is replacing Gemo who has been working in the position for the last couple of months.


Vice-Chancellor's All Staff Welcome

Professor Brian Schmidt invites staff to attend an All Staff Welcome to mark the start of the 2016 academic year. The welcome will be held at Llewellyn Hall at 10:30am Thursday 4 Feb 2016. Registration is required.

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RSPE Photography

Please contact the School Computer Unit if you require any high quality photography of your event, lab, equipment or people.




Departmental seminars

Professor George M. Pharr - 5 February
Smaller is Stronger: Exploring the Strange New World of Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior with Nanoindentation
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Professor Heinrich Hora - 10 February
Environmentally Clean and Economic Energy by Boron Fusion with Peta-Exawatt Laser Pulses
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Training course:

  • Chemical Safety (OHSAO3)
    8 February 2016
  • WHS training for supervisors and Fieldwork (OHSG35)
    25 February 2016

Registration via HORUS



The Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) conference is the premier annual meeting in Australia and New Zealand, where leading, as well as young, applied mathematicians gather to exchange ideas to promote and advance the application of mathematics to science, engineering and industry. In 2016, the ANZIAM conference will be held in Canberra at the QT Canberra Hotel, 7-11 February.

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