The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 47 | 21–25 December 2015


Seasons Greetings

Dear Colleagues,

All the very best to you and your family over your well earned break.  It has been a pleasure working with you this year and I am enthusiastically looking forward to 2016.

Safe travels



Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish endowment fund launch

The Research School of Physics and Engineering (RSPE) is hosted a reception to announce the establishment of the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Endowment Fund on Monday 7 December 2015 at the Drill Hall, ANU.

The fund will support the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Visiting Scholarship and Fellowship Awards, which will give students and researchers from developing countries the chance to travel to the Research School of Physics and Engineering at ANU to pursue collaborative research for up to 12 weeks. The Award provides researchers an important opportunity to form international links with colleagues while raising the profile of their home country in the field of physics.

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Lillian Lesuer and the team from Australian Science Innovations, who run the Australian Science Olympiad, who have just moved their offices into the Cockcroft Building.  They are located in C5.01 to C5.04, please make them welcome.


Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)

Mr Calvin Brett (University of Hamburg) visiting A/Prof Patrick Kluth for 6 months, working on the project ‘Ion Etched Polymers’.


New program promotes gender equity in science

The Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) pilot of Athena SWAN in Australia is a partnership between the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE). Athena SWAN was established in the UK in 2005 and has been highly successful in promoting gender equity action in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM).

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Staff movements

Applied Maths
Assoc Prof Adrian Sheppard 
will be absent for the period 14-24 December 2015.  Prof Stephen Hyde will be acting HOD during this period.

Centre for Plasmas and Fluids
Prof Michael Shats 
will be on annual leave 21 December 2015 - 15 January 2016.  Prof Christine Charles will be acting HOD during this period.

Electronic Materials Engineering
Prof Hoe Tan 
will be absent for the period 14 December 2015 - 2 January 2016.  Prof Patrick Kluth will be acting HOD during this period.

Physics Education Centre
Professor John Close
 will be on leave 9-18 December 2015.  Prof Joe Hope will be acting Deputy Director (Education) during this period.

Plasma Research Laboratory
Professor John Howard 
will be on annual leave 23 December 2015 - 25 January 2016. A/Prof James Sullivan will be acting Head of Department during this period

Ms Uyen Nguyen, DA of CPF, AMPL and PRL, will be on annual leave 21 December 2015 - 8 January 2016. During this period, please contact HoD/acting HoD of appropriate department.

Theoretical Physics
Professor Mukunda Das will be overseas from 24 November - 22 December 2015. He will visit S N Bose National Centre and Saha Institute in Kolkata; Institute of Physics in Bhubaneswar and National Physical Laboratory In New Delhi where he will deliver a number of seminars and Colloquia.


Student funding opportunitites

We would like to draw your attention to this funding opportunity for student travel - ANU-IARU Travel Grants These grants are separate to the ANU Travel Grants (formerly known as the VC Travel Grants).  Please have a look at the details on the website. 

RSPE Student Office


Funding Opportunities

Grant opportunities
The current funding round of the Ian Potter Foundation is now open. Fudning opportunitie - conference organisation (max $20,000) or travel to attend a conference ($2,000-$3,000). Application opened 9 November 2015 and close 27 January 2016. Please check the Eligibility and Application Process and advise if you intend to apply.


Seeking Tutors/Demonstrators

We are looking for research students to do lab demonstrating and tutoring in the 1st year undergraduate physics classes. This is a good opportunity to get some teaching experience, and even get paid for it.

If you are interested, please e-mail Paul Francis ( Please let him know if you have a preference for lab demonstrating or tutoring, and if you have any previous teaching training or experience.

First semester tutoring/demonstrating 2016 runs from 22 February - 24 March, and then from 18 April - 27 May. It doesn’t matter if you are away for a week or two (other tutors can cover for you), but it would be an issue if you were gone for a larger time over this period.

The topics taught in the tutorials are Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell’s equations and waves/optics. The labs primarily teach plotting data, uncertainties and basic electronics.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 7 February 2016, and positions will be announced after that.



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