The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 42 | 16–20 November 2015



Prof Chennupati Jagadish on his award of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) distinguished fellowship.


Congratulations to A/Prof Joe Hope (DQS) on his promotion to Level E in 2016


School Seminar Program - 19 November

Wave-Particle interaction in surface waves - Nicolas Francois

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Non Linear Physics Centre (NLPC)

Mr Kai Wang commencing his PhD studies with NLPC.


Protein Structure and Function Symposium

Saturday 14 - Monday 16 December 2015

The Research School of Chemistry (RSC) ANU has signed a joint agreement with the Institute for Protein Research (IPR) (Osaka University, Japan). To mark this institutional linkage, the RSC is hosting a joint symposium between IPR Osaka University and the RSC. Presidents of the twelve member countries constituting the Asia Pacific Protein Association (APPA) will be in attendance. 

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Outreach 2

Recently Geoff McNamara featured on the front page of the Canberra Times having raised enough money to build a telescope on Mount Stromlo for secondary students; so it is always a pleasure when the year 10 ACE science class visit RSPE. The day was divided into Physics north and south and this year had added drama as the Nuclear Physics fire alarm went off!

Andrew Papworth


International Day for Tolerance: 16 November 2015

"Tolerance does not mean indifference or a grudging acceptance of others. It is a way of life based on mutual understanding and respect for others, and on the belief that global diversity is to be embraced, not feared." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

From the RSPE Access and Equity Committee


Student Scholarships

SPIE student educational and travel scholarships applications are now open.  The scholarships provide support to any SPIE conference or a general grant ranging from USD$2000-$11000. 

Further details are available here

For students: Two scholarships are available each year, however only one scholarship per person per year can be awarded. If you have more than 2 years left to your PhD, plan now for future rounds.

For supervisors: The educational scholarship may be useful for students identified for overseas collaboration visits.

*Note to be eligible to apply you must be a SPIE student member. (student membership USD$20). 

Applications close 15 February 2016. 

Please contact Katie Chong (NLPC) for further information.


Funding Opportunities

ARC Linkage Projects 
Applications for ARC Linkage Projects close mid-November. If you are interested in applying (both ANU-led and externally-led bids) please notify

ANU – COST Travel Grant Scheme
ANU has exclusively partnered with the Australian Academy of Science to deliver support of up to $7,000 for ANU researchers to participate in EU COST Actions. Participation in COST can lead to engagement in major projects and initiatives such as Horizon 2020 and the European Research Council. Further information is available here (ANU login).




Department Vision Presentations

Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre: 12noon - 1pm

  • Wednesday 4 November:
        EME presentation
  • Tuesday 10 November:
        Theoretical Physics       Nuclear Physics
  • Tuesday 17 November:
        Nonlinear Physics &
        Department Quantum
  • Tuesday 24 November:
        Applied Maths
        Plasma Research
  • Thursday 26 November:
        Atomic and Molecular
        Physics Laboratories &
         Laser Physics
  • Monday 30 November:
        Centre for Plasmas and

All RSPE staff, students and vistors are welcome and encouraged to attend these lunchtime presentations. 

Past presentations are available via hyperlinks above.


Departmental seminars

Dr Rob Ward - 12 November
Inchoate ideas for optical interferometry in space
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Professor Keisuke Goda - 17 November
EME & IEEE EDS/Photonics Society, ACT Chapter Seminar
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Davide Masoero - 19 November
Bethe Ansatz and the spectral theory of affine Lie algebra-valued connections
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Ms Diana Antonosyan - 25 November
PHD FINAL SEMINAR Non-Hermitian Quantum and Classical Integrated Nonlinear Photonics
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Professor Albert Wang - 16 December
IEEE EDS/Photonics Society Distinguished Lecture & EME Department Seminar
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Staff movements

Atomic and Melecular Physics Laboratories
Prof Steve Buckman
will be visiting and presenting colloquia at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, and The Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, between 9-28 November 2015.

Electronic Materials Engineering
Professor Hoe Tan
will be absent from 7-18 November 2015.  A/Prof Lan Fu will be Acting HoD during his absence

Physics Eductiona Centre
Professor John Close
 will be absent from 15 November - 4 December 2015.  A/Prof Joe Hope will be Deputy Director Education during his absence



Training course:

  • Ionizing radiation safety (OHSA16)
    18 November 2015
  • Laser Safety (OHSA18)
    20 November 2015
  • Chemical Safety (OHSG33)
    24 & 25 November 2015
  • Workshop & Trade Safety (OHSA22)
    25 November 2015

Registration via HORUS


Curious Minds

Curious Minds is a new program for girls in science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM).

We are looking for 54 enthusiastic women from STEM backgrounds to join our mentoring program for 2015/2016.

You will be supporting bright Australian female students, from years 8, 9 and 10, with the aim to encourage the continuation of their STEM studies.

Further details are availble from Australian Science Innovations.



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