The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 41 | 9–13 November 2015



Dr Andrey Sukhorukov (NLPC) on being elected as a Fellow of 'The Optical Society'.  Andrey has been recognised for his "pioneering contributions to nonlinear and quantum integrated photonics, including frequency conversion and broadband light manipulation in waveguide circuits and metamaterials".


Prof Mark Ridgway for being awarded the 2015 REI Award for long service and many contributions to the Radiation Effects Committee.



Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories (AMPL)
International visitors, Dr Valdislav Serov (Saratov State Universit, Russia) and Dr Serguey Patchkovskii (Max Born Institut, Berlin). Both work with Prof Anatoli Kheifets on strong field molecular ionization problems.

Non Linear Physics Centre (NLPC)
Dr Alex Savin (Russian Academy of Sciences) visiting for 2 months.

Ms Rocio Camacho commencing her PhD studies with NLPC.



Various parts of the school and individuals put a lot of extra effort into outreach activities through the year. These activities are appreciated by teachers, students and the public and engender a lot of good will in the community. A lot of this activity goes unseen and to address this here is a report on Burgmann School who visited PEC/DQS last Friday. There were 22 year 11 students who completed a range of experimental activities, a visit to the Gravitational Wave Lab and explored the Union area at lunch time! Several past students from Burgmann, now at ANU used the opportunity to catch up with their previous teachers.

Thank you to all who helped.

Andrew Papworth


Student Scholarships

SPIE student educational and travel scholarships applications are now open.  The scholarships provide support to any SPIE conference or a general grant ranging from USD$2000-$11000. 

Further details are available here

For students: Two scholarships are available each year, however only one scholarship per person per year can be awarded. If you have more than 2 years left to your PhD, plan now for future rounds.

For supervisors: The educational scholarship may be useful for students identified for overseas collaboration visits.

*Note to be eligible to apply you must be a SPIE student member. (student membership USD$20). 

Applications close 15 February 2016. 

Please contact Katie Chong (NLPC) for further information.


Advancing women in science and engineering: how does Australia compare?

Presenter: Prof. Sharon Bell, Charles Darwin University; Dr. Lisa M. Frehill, National Science Foundation
Event date: 4–6pm 12 November 2015
Venue: Conference Room 1.02 , Sr Roland Wilson Building (#120), McCoy crt, ANU

In November the Gender Institute is bringing to the ANU two distinguished experts on gender equity in science, who will reflect on the current state of knowledge and policy effectiveness in this area. This is a unique opportunity for everybody interested in gender equity in science to get together to debate how far we have yet to go and how to move forward.

Please register online by Tuesday 10 November

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Funding Opportunities

ARC Linkage Projects 
Applications for ARC Linkage Projects close mid-November. If you are interested in applying (both ANU-led and externally-led bids) please notify

ANU – COST Travel Grant Scheme
ANU has exclusively partnered with the Australian Academy of Science to deliver support of up to $7,000 for ANU researchers to participate in EU COST Actions. Participation in COST can lead to engagement in major projects and initiatives such as Horizon 2020 and the European Research Council. Further information is available here (ANU login).


Test your Unconscious Bias

Harvard has created a revealing series of online Implicit Association Tests (IATs)  you might like to try. These study our unconscious bias in various categories using randomised, anonymous quick testing. They typically only take 10 minutes, provided you can ensure no distractions.  

Among the most interesting might be the Gender-Science, Gender-Career, Sexuality, Disability and Race IATs.

This is not an exercise in being branded as sexist or racist etc. It is instead designed to raise awareness of any potential unconscious bias that can then be overcome to ensure our behaviour is as fair and equitable as possible.

From the RSPE Access and Equity Committee




Department Vision Presentations

Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre: 12noon - 1pm

  • Wednesday 4 November:
        EME presentation
  • Tuesday 10 November:
        Theoretical Physics     Nuclear Physics
  • Tuesday 17 November:
        Nonlinear Physics &
        Department Quantum
  • Tuesday 24 November:
        Applied Maths
        Plasma Research
  • Thursday 26 November:
        Atomic and Molecular
        Physics Laboratories
  • Monday 30 November:
        Centre for Plasmas and

All RSPE staff, students and vistors are welcome and encouraged to attend these lunchtime presentations. 

Past presentations are available via hyperlinks above.


Departmental seminars

Dr Naoise MacSuibhne - 9 November
Overview of Activities in the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies
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Dr Mukunda Das - 11 November
Revisiting Fermi Surfaces in Density Functional Theory
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Director's Colloquium

The November Director's Colloquium treated the school to an interesting and informative presentation on 'Big Data in Nanoscience' by Dr Amanda Barnard. Dr Barnard talked about how big data has been generated for decades and in some sense wasted. We only ever publish what works while all the other unpublished data remains hidden away. This means that similar research will be repeated time and time again unknowingly. A goal of handling big data is to make it accessible to all so that it will not go unused. Thanks again to Amanda for delivering the November Director's Colloquium.


CECS Dean's colloquium

An Entrepreneurial Path from Academic Innovation to Commercial Products

Professor Weimer (University of Colorado) (part of ANU-STG group)

Monday 23 November 2015

Engineering Theatre
Engineering Building (32)

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Staff movements

Atomic and Melecular Physics Laboratories
Prof Steve Buckman
will be visiting and presenting colloquia at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, and The Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, between 9-28 November 2015.

Electronic Materials Engineering
Professor Hoe Tan
will be absent from 7-18 November 2015.  A/Prof Lan Fu will be Acting HoD during his absence


Curious Minds

Curious Minds is a new program for girls in science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM).

We are looking for 54 enthusiastic women from STEM backgrounds to join our mentoring program for 2015/2016.

You will be supporting bright Australian female students, from years 8, 9 and 10, with the aim to encourage the continuation of their STEM studies.

Further details are availble from Australian Science Innovations.



Quantum Short Story Competition

  • Take inspiration from quantum theory to write flash fiction: a story no longer than 1000 words
  • Deadline: 11:59pm ET on 1 Dec 2015
  • Prizes: US$1,500 (first prize) or US$1,000 (runner up) on top of: An engraved Quantum Shorts trophy; A one-year digital subscription to Scientific American and Original digital artwork to illustrate their story


2016 ANU Alumni Awards now open

Nomination forms, eligibility and criteria details available here

RSPE nominations contact: Kavitha Robinson

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