The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 38 | 19–23 October 2015


Farewell - Rana Ganguly

Dear Colleagues, After almost 13 years of dedication to our School and the ANU, Rana, is moving on to new adventures in the US.  Many of you know well the passion for which Rana throws himself into his role, and many deeply appreciate knowing that he always "had our back”. While Thursday was Rana’s last official day at the ANU we will be celebrating his time with gusto in the next few weeks.  I will keep you posted.  For now I would like to add a personal vote of gratitude for his wise counsel and constant friendship.  Tim



Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Wei-Zong Chinese Scholarship Counsel awardee and is visiting EME for a year working with Dr Fang Fang Ren.  Wei-Zong is currently undertaking a PhD in Nanjing University in the area of Semiconductor Physics. 

Non Linear Physics Centre (NLPC)
Dr Kostya Bliokh who has commenced working with NLPC 

Mr Yixiao Gao visiting student from Beijing Jiaotong University, China.

Ms Rocio Camacho commencing her PhD studies with NLPC.

Prof Andrea Fratalocchi visitng NLPC for a week.


Early Career Seminars

Understanding research fellowships 5 November, Finkel Theatre JCSMR, 10am – 11am, followed by morning tea
How research is measured and what it means for your career. 10 November, Finkel Theatre JCSMR, 10am – 12 noon, followed by a light lunch


Research Management

Research Management are calling for all potential applicants to lodge their notification of intent for the next round of ARC/NHMRC applications in our online form. NOIs close on 26 October to enable eligibility assessment and in-principal support from your School before you begin writing.


Advancing women in science and engineering: how does Australia compare?

Presenter: Prof. Sharon Bell, Charles Darwin University; Dr. Lisa M. Frehill, National Science Foundation
Event date: 4–6pm 12 November 2015
Venue: Conference Room 1.02 , Sr Roland Wilson Building (#120), McCoy crt, ANU

In November the Gender Institute is bringing to the ANU two distinguished experts on gender equity in science, who will reflect on the current state of knowledge and policy effectiveness in this area. This is a unique opportunity for everybody interested in gender equity in science to get together to debate how far we have yet to go and how to move forward.

Please register online by Tuesday 10 November

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Quantum Short Story Competition

  • Take inspiration from quantum theory to write flash fiction: a story no longer than 1000 words
  • Deadline: 11:59pm ET on 1 Dec 2015
  • Prizes: US$1,500 (first prize) or US$1,000 (runner up) on top of: An engraved Quantum Shorts trophy; A one-year digital subscription to Scientific American and Original digital artwork to illustrate their story


Funding Opportunities

ARC Linkage Projects 
Applications for ARC Linkage Projects close mid-November. If you are interested in applying (both ANU-led and externally-led bids) please notify

ANU – COST Travel Grant Scheme
ANU has exclusively partnered with the Australian Academy of Science to deliver support of up to $7,000 for ANU researchers to participate in EU COST Actions. Participation in COST can lead to engagement in major projects and initiatives such as Horizon 2020 and the European Research Council. Further information is available here (ANU login).




Stop Press:  

Professor John Close will be joining the ARC College of Experts.  Our congratulations go to John in this very important role.


Congratulations to Xinjun & Cindy Liu on the birth of their daughter ~ Zihan.

Also Felipe & Lene Kremer welcome their son ~ Oliver.

Congratulations and best wishes to both families.


Departmental seminars

Ms Sara Marzban - 19 October
Integrated Quantum Photonics using Rare-­‐Earth Ion doped Planar Waveguides
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Professor Vladimir Bazhanov - 22 October
A Vision for Theoretical Physics - Discussion seminar
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Professor Howard E Jackson - 26 October
Optical Investigations of Semiconductor Nanowires: New physics, New Heterostructures, and a New Experimental Probe
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October Director's Colloquium

Prof. Konstantin Zarembo of the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics gave a seminar on "Do extra dimensions exist?". The talk, which was well attended, provided an introduction to string theory and its role as a theory of quantum gravity.


RSPE Building Project Manager

This position has now been advertised.  Further details available on the ANU Jobs Website

For further information please contact Mr Graeme Cornish, Manager, School Facilities & Services, T: (02) 6125 3062,




Training course:

  • Electrical appliance testing refresher (OHSA12) 28 October 2015
  • Ionizing radiation safety (OHSA18) 27 October 2015
  • WHS training for supervisors (OHSG28) 29 October 2015

 Registration via HORUS


2016 ANU Alumni Awards now open

Nomination forms, eligibility and criteria details available here

RSPE nominations contact: Kavitha Robinson

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