The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 26 | 1–5 July 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

We wish A/Prof Steve Gibson (LPC) all the very best on retiring after 33 years in the School.  I look forward to seeing Steve continue his research as a member of the Honorary Faculty.

Thanks to all those who attended the PEC meeting on Friday.  If you missed the meeting and would like to know more about teaching in Shandong, please contact A/Prof Jong Chow directly.  If you’d like to add an agenda item for the PEC Planning Day on 12 September, please contact Prof Joe Hope directly.

With academic promotions soon to close I commend those supervisors who encourage their staff to explore the full dimensions of academic contributions detailed in the CoS Academic Standards guidelines (pdf).  These are designed to help EMCRs demonstrate their strengths in research, teaching and service.

Have a great week,



Congratulations to Shankar Dutt (EME) on receiving the AINSE PGRA scholarship.

Congratulations to Mahyar Bokaeeyan, Adrian Ankiewicz, and Nail Akhmediev (TP) on their recent publication Bright and dark rogue internal waves: The Gardner equation approach in


On the 13th of June, Prof Sharon Parker from Curtin University launched the new Women In Research network. The website contains valuable resources that aim to inform and inspire women in research. Please consider connecting and contributing to the this network, so that together we can create a more equitable and diverse STEM community.

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ANU is searching for a new Chancellor

The search in on for a new Chancellor for ANU. Jodie Bradby is currently a representative on the ANU Academic Board and is calling for your thoughts. See below for details.

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Three Minute Thesis 12 July 2019

Fulbright Scholarships Program 15 July 2019

INFN - program UE Marie-Curie  16 July 2019

2019 ANU Global Research Partnerships Scheme 23 August 2019 

Westpac Research Fellowship 26 August 2019


Mentoring and Guidance in Careers (MAGIC)

The Mentoring and Guidance in Careers (MAGIC) workshop for early career female or gender diverse researchers in mathematics, physics , or chemistry will run 18 – 22 November 2019, at University House, ANU Canberra.

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Integrating disability and chronic illness into university

A current ANU student is looking for students and staff at the ANU to participate in a one-off online survey to identify the perspectives and experiences of all students and teaching academics on the topic of disability and chronic illness integration at university.

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July Seminars

1 July
Dr Jacinda Ginges
Atomic parity violation and the role of the hyperfine structure
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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Vale Dr Juergen Sautter

It is with sadness to let know Juergen Sautter (NLPC) died in a motorbike accident on 24 June 2019 on his way to Munich to attend CLEO Europe. Juergen studied with NLPC in 2013/2014 and again in 2017/2018.


Andrew Stuchbery will be attending the 2019 African Nuclear Physics Conference in South Africa 29 June to 7 July 21019.  Nanda Dasgupta will be Acting HoD 1 – 5 July 2019.

Petra Rickman will be away 8 July to 13 August 2019.  Sonia Padrun will be covering.


Department Meetings

DQS - 4th July, 12:30-1:30, CQC2T Seminar Room.


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.



JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

CoS Academic Performance Standards

CV Guidelines


Contacts for RSPE – College Jaeger Hub

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ANU Events

ANU Reporter

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