The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 9 | 4–8 March 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a relaxing autumn weekend.

Our congratulations to Distinguished Professor Jagadish on being honoured with the 2019 Thomas Ranken Lyle medal of the Australian Academy of Science. The recent photo above shows Jagadish with his wonderful group. Further to my email on Friday, an AAS interview with Professor Jagadish can be found at on Youtube

I would like to encourage all students and academic staff to consider joining the School HDR mentorship program (details below).  It is a very beneficial program, and was highlighted during our recent School Review.  The review panel report will be available sometime this month.  

Have a good week,



Liquid Instruments official opening

Canberra-born technology company Liquid Instruments had an official opening by ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr and Minister Ramsay on Tuesday 26 Feb. Liquid Instruments was founded by a team of Gravitational Wave researchers lead by Prof. Daniel Shaddock in 2014. The team has employed cutting-edge gravitational wave detection technology to produce an advanced high-precision test and measurement device. 

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International Women’s Day - panel discussion

Join us for an exciting public panel and discussion highlighting the international in International Women’s Day. Four ANU women Maeve PowellKaterina Teaiwa, Vini Gautam and Jane Golley will reflect on their experiences of Indigenous Australia, Oceania, South Asia and China and what International Women’s Day means to them.

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Mentoring program - last chance

The RSPE HDR Mentoring program is welcoming new participants. HDR students should have received an email inviting them to participate, along with an information pack. The program is flexible, and has free coffee available! Please sign up this week at If you have any questions about involvement, please email


ANU LGBTI Ally Training Schedule for 2019

ANU workshops are available in May, June and August 2019 as part of the University's commitment to providing a diverse and inclusive campus where all people can safely work and study free of harassment or discrimination. For registration and further information see ANU Ally Network and LGBTI inclusion.


Equity and Diversity

More than 40% of women in science leave the sector or go part time after having their first child, according to a recent study of career trajectories in the US. By contrast, only 23% of new fathers leave or cut their working hours. The analysis might help to explain the persistent under-representation of women in STEM.

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Open Prizes and Awards opportunities

The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, research-based innovation, and excellence in science teaching. Nominations close 12 March.

The Australian Museum Eureka Prizes honouring excellence across the areas of research & innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science. Applications close on 3 May.


Funding Opportunity: Ian Potter Foundation

The Ian Potter Foundation is a major philanthropic foundation that supports and promotes excellence and innovation. The Foundation will be opening several funding rounds in the coming months.

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Phil up on Science

7-9 March 2019, Questacon: A Poet's guide to Science - A hilarious play of modern dilemmas featuring working scientists.

26 March 2019, Smith's Alternative: Galactic Women's day sceince in the pub.


Social club day out, thanks to John Bottega for organising.




Departmental seminars

7 March
Mr Matthew Parry
Metasurfaces: From beam steering to infra-red vision and quantum states
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7 March
Prof Mukunda Das
Anomalies in Quasi-One-Dimensional-Quantum Electron Transport
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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2019

Applications close 17 March 2019 for the Robert and Helen Crompton Awards to assist postgraduate research students undertake part of the research program overseas or make a collaborative visit to an overseas institution.

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Staffing Update

Sonia Padrun will be acting Senior School Administrator 1-31 March 2019. Sonia will be located behind reception in Physics South. Sonia will also provide support for CFP, PRL and TP. Gaye Carney will be covering DQS full time during this period.



Senior School Administrator
Ext: 52480

Ext: 52847

Ext: 52480

Ext: 54244

Ext: 50020

Ext: 52847

Ext: 53423

Ext: 52083

Ext: 52480 

Ext: 52480 


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

HR Team - Jaeger

Jaeger Hub Contacts

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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