The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 8 | 25 February–1 March 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

My thanks go to retiring members of the School Seminar Committee; Professors Andrew Truscott (chair, LPC), Patrick Kluth and Cedric Simenel and A/Prof Jong Chow).  The seminar serial are a central part of increasing School-wide awareness of the current research topics in all Departments.  I welcome new members to the committee; Drs Bram Slagmolen and Ziyuan Li.

The Vice-Chancellor is to support a large-scale development of the engineering discipline at the ANU.  In support of this initiative the Research School of Physics and Engineering will remove “Engineering” from its title.  This is in recognition of identifying the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) as the place where engineering student receive their professional accreditation.  The existing research-led engineering activities that have come to define our School will remain, and undoubtedly be strengthened with the expansion of engineering pursuits in CECS. In the next few weeks a School wide poll will open to collect your preferred name for the School. 

This week’s picture celebrates former RSPE staff member from the 60’s, Elizabeth Reid, who had just been honoured with the Mitchell Humanitarian Award for lifetime achievements.  Elizabeth’s story is remarkable and a wonderful example of the impact our alumni and staff have beyond their time with us (photo credit: Sitthixay Ditthavong).

Have a great week,



2019 PM Science Prizes for Science

Nominations are now open for the 2019 PM Science prizes for research, innovation and prizes for science, mathematics or technology teaching.

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RSPE Mentoring Program

The RSPE HDR Mentoring program is welcoming new participants. HDR students should have received an email inviting them to participate, along with an information pack. The program is flexible, and has free coffee available! Please sign up by March 4th at If you have any questions about involvement, please email"


The Graduate Research Office is open

The GRO brings together current central HDR administrative services into one office and will work collaboratively with Schools, Colleges and other Central Divisions to provide seamless, responsive, and consistent HDR administrative support.

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SAGE Athena SWAN Bronze Award

The ANU has set itself a target of achieving a SAGE Athena SWAN Bronze Award this year. Those of you who have missed out on participation in the focus groups are highly encouraged to send your comments on these issues to the ANU SAGE Project team:

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Women in Industry

Women make up only 21% of direct quotes in all news sources (and 26% in science) - why not nominate some great female experts you know with this ABC initiative?

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Women of Mathematics - 27 February

This event will celebrate Women of Mathematics through a range of activities, including a panel discussion, research talks, and an official opening (with cocktail reception) of the exhibit "Women of Mathematics" at ANU. Everybody is most welcome.

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Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund

Applications are now invited for the first 2019 round of grants under the Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF). Applications will be open for 6 weeks and will close on Friday 22 March 2019 at 5pm.

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JCOS Career Development Framework

HDR students are invited to participate in the JCOS Career Development Framework – this is an opportunity for HDR students to develop and get recognition for transferable skills, discipline-specific training, industry connections and experiences to be managed.

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Departmental Seminars

26 Feb
Prof Brian T Cunningham
IEEE ACT Photonics Chapter and Nonlinear Physics Centre Seminar
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27 Feb
Professor Minoru Fuji
Boron and Phosphorus Co-Doped Colloidal Silicon Quantum Dots
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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Building Update

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


Uyen Nguyen is acting Senior School Administrator 1-28 Feb 2019. Lucia Lu is covering during this period as Finance team leader.



Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2019

The Robert and Helen Crompton Award is available each year to assist postgraduate research students enrolled at RSPE to undertake part of the research program overseas or make a collaborative visit to an overseas institution, for 3 to 6 months.

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

HR Team - Jaeger

Jaeger Hub Contacts

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

RSPE Building Updates



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