The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 58 | 26 February–2 March 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

This week’s pic comes from Laura Walmsley’s farewell last Friday (thanks to Martin). We recognise and thank Laura for her excellent service to the university and wish her all the best in her retirement.

Congratulations to all those who worked so hard to submit an ARC Discovery Project.  The cross-School Peer assessment seemed to work well, and if you have any suggestions for next round please pass them onto Ken Baldwin.

School Forum this week. If you have any last-minute items for your representatives please forward them on directly, or to Sue Wigley. Items to be discussed include the School Review, ERA assessment, using our National Institutes Grant, spinning up some new Masters programs and a proposal to restart the School Post-doc/apprenticeship scheme.

While, thankfully, our School building seem relatively unscathed, we wait further announcements about the campus reopening.




Equity & Access Cttee

Swinburne commitment to gender equality recognised for ninth consecutive year.

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Counselling Centre Group Programs for staff and students, Semester 1 program is now available.

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Reminder to address packages to the RSPE stores so they are signed for and keep safe until collected.  Deliveries to reception will be placed in departmental pigeon holes which are not secure.


WHS Courses

Work, Health and Safety Courses available in March. Register via HORUS.

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Distinguished Lecture - Professor Paul Sanberg, Fulbright Specialist and ANU Alumnus
'Innovation and the Translation of Research to Industry'
Wednesday 7th March 2-3pm, China in the World Auditorium

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Wednesday, 28th Feb 2018
10:00-11:30 School forum and morning tea, RSPE link tearoom.


School Seminars

26 Feb - Dr Natalie Holmes
EME & IEEE Nanotechnology Council (ACT) present: Green Solvent Processed Polymer Solar Cells
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28 Feb - Dr William Ducker
Hindering biofilm formation using topography
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5 Mar - Professor Nader Engheta
2018 SPIE Visiting Lecture - Extreme Photonics
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8 Mar - Mr Bryce Henson
Experiments in He* BEC’s:Cherenkov Radiation in an Atom Laser and Optimal Transport With Machine Learning
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Staff Movements

Karen Nulty will be providing support in Physics North, Mondays am, Wednesdays pm and all day Thursdays. Karen can be reached via email


RSPE Link Tearoom

Booking the link tearoom for school functions can now be done via the meeting room booking system. Please see reception for further details.


Building Security

Our cleaning staff have bought to our attention that a number of offices and external windows are being left unlocked overnight.  Can everyone please ensure that our laboratories, offices, external doors and windows are secure when leaving in the evenings.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin



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