The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 43 | 13–17 November 2017


Director's Message

It is my great pleasure to congratulate the successful applicants in this year’s College promotion round.  They are;

Level A to B:
Paul Altin (DQS)
Geoff Campbell (DQS)
Anna Herring (AM)
Sean Hodgman (LPC)
Sergy Kruk (NLPC)
Mingkai Liu (NLPC)

Level B to C:
Mohsen Rahmani (NLPC)
Yan Sheng (LPC)
Ed Simpson (NP)

Promotions to Professor are conducted at the University level and are still underway.

I’m sure by now everyone has checked the ARC website, but if you haven’t the quick summary is;

DECRA - Anna Herring

Discovery Projects
Patrick Kluth (EME)
Chennupati Jagadish (EME)
Anton Wallner (x2) (NP)
Lan Fu (EME)
Vladimir Bazhanov (TP)
Ken Baldwin (LPC)

LIEF – none

Please congratulate the successful applicants with me.

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Congratulations to Professor Yuri Kisvar

It is wonderful to see Yuri receive National recognition for his achievements with the award of the W.H. Beattie Steel Medal of the Australian Optical Society.

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Morning Tea in Support of our LGBTI Community and Allies

Wednesday 15 November @ 10:30

A morning tea will be held in the tea room to show support for our LGBTI community and ANU allies.

Please feel free to bring a colourful treat to share.

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Perpetual 2018 IMPACT Philanthropy is open for applications

If you are interested in applying please complete the draft EOI form, for the ANU internal ranking process. We must receive your confirmation of your intent to apply no later than 16 Nov, and your draft EOI no later than 9am Monday 20 Nov.

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Media Training

Reminder: Our next free media training session will be held 9am-12.30pm Thursday 30 November

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Important Funding Opportunities, Info and Events

Below is an update of information that relates to ARC and MEC schemes.

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School Seminar Program - 23 November

Harvesting Solar Energy into Storable Fuels: Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation - Dr Siva Karuturi

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Link Building Tea Room Costs

Could all users of the Link Building Tea Room please ensure that they pay for all items that are consumed.  Prices for coffee, tea and biscuits are clearly displayed.  If you wish to use any full milk bottles for your local area please ensure that these are paid for. 

This service is not free and the cash recovery for 2017 is well behind our charges incurred.


Departmental seminars

Mr Benedikt Kolbe - 10 November
Title Entangled Nets from Surface Drawings
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Dr Jiawen Li - 13 November
Miniaturized multimodal fibre-optic probes: ex vivo and in vivo
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Dr Benjy Marks - 17 November
Dynamic X-ray radiography of particle size and shape orientation fields during granular flow
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Director's Office - Sue Wigley will be away 6-24 November 2017. Julie Arnold will be covering the Director's office during this period. Please continue to use the email for all enquireis and appointments.

Nuclear Physics - Professor Andrew Stutchbery will be be at the REX-ISOLDE radioactive beam facility at CERN, Geneva, from November 12-30 to perform an experiment. He will be joined by Ben Coombes from November 20-30. Dr Greg Lane will be Acting HoD from Nov 12-20 and Dr Toni Wallner from Nov 21 – 29.

EME - Professor Hoe Tan will be in the US from 15-22 November.  A/Prof Jodie Bradby will be Acting HOD




Tackling bias head on

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Joint Colleges of Science, End of year celebration (the Christmas Party)

Hold this date in your diary

Monday 11th December 2017


Lawns outside Science Central – Peter Baume Building #42


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Ezzi Vision sponsored morning tea

Ezzi Vision are holding a morning tea on Thursday 16th November at 10.30am in the tea room for anyone interested in Vaccum and Thin Film Coating technology. 


New ANU Family Friendly email group

The ANU Family Friendly committee is a new group of people across campus that are joining together to improve the ANU campus for all ANU parents

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Ionising Radiation Safety (Online)

Opens Nov 24

Course No. WHHR!


Celebrating Erich Weigold's 80th birthday



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