The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 33 | 4–8 September 2017


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

It was good to see so many come to welcome Kiaran to the School on Wednesday. 

The annual PEC Planning Day is set for 14th September, so please remember to let Laura know you’re coming and RSVP by next Thursday.  It’s a great day and your chance to contribute to the evolution of our teaching program. 

Nominations for the Director’s Award for outstanding service to the School will open next week. All members of the RSPE community are eligible to be nominated for the awards including staff, students, visiting fellows and well as our colleagues in College Admin and Service Divisions. I encourage you to discuss nominations with your Heads of Department and Managers. 

One of the main attractions of Founder’s Day is of course the talks.  Please discuss with your Head of Department if you’d like to represent your Dept this year.   

What with Phil Dooley’s Science in the Pub event and Physics on the Wall coordinated by Andrew Papworth we’ve had a good run at Smith’s Alternative Bookshop.  The week’s pic shows Andrew on opening night of “Physics on the Wall” exhibition at Smiths. Finishing recently, this ran for two weeks and had patrons discussing everything from fibre gyroscopes to constellations. The local AIP supported this and are as always gratefully acknowledged. 



World First Aid Day

Join us for morning tea in the tearoom on Friday, 8 September 2017 to say thank you to our First Aid Officers.

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ARC Linkage Projects Round 2 2017

The ARC Linkage Projects 2017 Round 2 – NOI open 21/08/2017 – 11/09/2017.

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Industrial Transformation Research Program (ITRP)

The ARC are holding a half day information and networking forum for the ITRP.

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Access and Equity

PM&C study finds public servants more likely to hire women.

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Director's Colloquium

5 September - MECHANOBIOLOGY OF LIFE - Elucidating, emulating and engineering nature’s emergent properties at the interface of mechanics and biology - Professor Melissa Knothe Tate.

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RSPE Equity and Access Committee

5 September - Public Lecture - Gillian Trigg.

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ANU 3MT Finals

6 September - see Jacob Ross, Laser Physics Centre at Llewellyn Hall.

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John Carver Seminar Series 2017

15 September 2017- nominations close

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Departmental Seminars

Mr Tom Shiell - 1 September
Understanding new structures of carbon at extreme pressures
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Mr Haitao Chen - 8 September
Manipulation of light-emitting properties of 2D materials by photonic nanostructures
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Professor Mikhail Belkin - 15 September
Photonic devices based on quantum-engineered nonlinear metamaterials
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Staff Movements

Director's Office
Tim Senden will be travelling in China 7-20 September 2017. Hoe Tan will be acting. 

Applied Maths
Adrian Sheppard will be overseas from 5 to 17th September.  Mark Knackstedt will be acting HoD during this time.

PRL/CPF/TP Administration
Gaye Carney is currently on leave, returning Thursday 7 September. Please continue to email for support or contact Andrea Butler if there are any issues.

Marketing and Communication
Phil Dooley will be absent till Friday 8 September.

Uyen Ngyuen is currently away, Kathy Hicks will by covering.

Centre for Plasma an Fluids
Robert Dewar will be attending a Conference in Indonesia 1-25 September.

Matthew Hole will be away from 4-23 September, presenting talks at the 15th IAEA Technical Meeting on the Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, a Physics meeting of the Integrated Tokamak Physics Activity of ITER, and giving an invited talk to the Division of Plasma Physics Meeting in Chengdu.



IT News

NCI (HPC) training sessions in September.

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RSPE Health & Safety upcoming courses

WHS courses - book through Horus.

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Safety incident & hazard reporting guidelines.

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School Facilities and Services

For any general building issues: lights not working, plumbing problems, doors not locking and so on, please use the school’s work request system to notify problems. 

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