The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 12 | 10–14 April 2017


Dear Colleagues,

I’d like to thank the Department representatives who helped kick off our Strategic Planning process yesterday. The next task is to consolidate their contributions to fuel some working party discussions.

Many may already know that Tania will soon leave us for a fabulous new role at Canberra Grammar School. I know how highly regarded she is across campus and I look forward to celebrating her time with us at her farewell on the 28th April. Congratulations, Tania.

Have a wonderful weekend.



2017 Academic Promotion round

It is highly recommended that all staff considering application for promotion attend the relevant information session. 

Supervisors are also encouraged to attend.

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Administrative appointments and coverage

From the School Manager

Uyen Nguyen
I am very pleased to announce that Uyen Nguyen will be covering for Mark Harris after his retirement in a few weeks time. Please join me in congratulating Uyen.  Details of Mark’s farewell will be announced in next week’s Event Horizon.

Gaye Carney
Gaye Carney will be covering as the Department Administrator for CPF and PRL, as well as continuing with TP.

Julie Arnold
Julie Arnold with be covering for Kathy Hicks as the NLPC Department Administrator while Kathy is on leave 4 April - 1 May.

Student Services
Please note both Laura and Karen will be off at the same time and Luda will be supported by Andrea. PG correspondence should be directed to: 

I would like to thank Gaye, Julie and Andrea for their assistance over this period.

Functional Accounts
So we can provide effective support during times of leave, please ensure you utilise the functional accounts and follow any out of office.




Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities.

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Consultation on Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE)

The ARC are seeking feedback on ROPE from the sector. They want to hear from applicants, assessors and research office staff to understand if ROPE is working – if not – what can they do to make it better.

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Workplace Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Tool

As part of the Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance project, the University is rolling out a new Claims Management System that includes a new workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool – Figtree Systems.

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Equity and Access

Actions Men can Take

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TPR Toolkit and Thesis Boot Camp

Research Skills Training offers a two day intensive workshop to support your TPR twice a year. Be immersed in an intensive ‘writing studio’ where you will learn the secrets of highly productive academic writers. Along the way, you’ll pick up a range of tactics and strategies to help you succeed with the rest of your PhD.

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Science Early Career Academic Development Scheme

Aims to provide support, mentoring and training for early career academic staff in the STEM Colleges.

CPMS is seeking mid-career and more senior staff willing to act as a mentor for a more junior colleague.

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Falling Walls Lab Australia 2017

This international forum promotes interdisciplinary connections between aspiring academics, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and professionals, known for their excellent work.

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Departmental seminars

Mr James Titchener - 11 April
On-chip generation and characterization of quantum states of light
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Staff movements

Director's Office (DO)
Mr Stewart Hilton (SM)
will be on leave 10-17 April. Mr Graeme Cornish will be acting SM for this period.

Mrs Tania Maxwell (EA) will be on leave 12-21 April. Ms Martina Landsmann will be assisting during this period.

Department of Quantum Science (DQS)
Prof John Close is acting HOD.

School Services (SS)
Mr David Anderson is on leave 11-28 April.  Mr Wasantha Ramasundara will be acting EU Manager during this period.


Easter & ANZAC Public Holidays

In the month of April the following declared public holidays will occur:

  • Good Friday: Friday 14 April 2017
  • Easter Saturday: Saturday 15 April 2017
  • Easter Sunday: Sunday 16 April 2017
  • Easter Monday: Monday 17 April 2017
  • Anzac Day: Tuesday 25 April 2017

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As part of our ongoing budget savings, we will be disposing of the School Golf in the next short while.  The transport options available to RSPE staff and students are available on the RSPE intranet transport webpage.

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The Lady Botanist - Erica Seccombe

Visiting Artist, Erica Seccombe
Dept Applied Mathematics

Megalo Print Studio & Gallery
21 Wentworth Ave, Kingston

  • Exhibition dates:  6 April - 29 April 2017
  • Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.00pm

Opening speech by Pasty Payne:

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Physics ANU

RSPE now has a page on LinkedIn, under the name Physics ANU. Please connect with us to help build a professional community!

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Searching for Alumni with interesting careers

Motivated by both the response to the RSPE Cultural survey and continued feedback from students and staff we are working to put together a quick series of short alumni profiles of Physics ANU graduates.

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Join the ANU Climate Change Institute or the ANU Energy Change Institute

If you’re involved in research on climate and/or energy at ANU, either as a staff member or PhD student, you’re invited to join either or both of the following cross campus Institutes:

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WHS Training Courses

  • Laser Safety (WHHR26) - 28 April



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