The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 17 | 25–29 May 2015


Distinguished lecture - 29 May

Strategies for obtaining molecular structures using X-ray Free Electron Lasers - Professor Henry Chapman

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Public lecture - 27 May

What is Reality: Physics or Metaphysics? - Dr Peter J. Riggs

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Electronic Materials Engineering (EME) welcomes Dr Amy Gandy (University of Sheffield) who is visiting with Prof Rob Elliman until 12 June 2015.

EME also welcomes Professor CK Subramaniam (VIT University, India) who is visiting Prof Chennupati Jagadish on an Executive Endeavour Fellowship for the next two months.



Electronic Materials Engineering (EME) Dr Kiran Mangalampalli who is leaving EME for job interviews in India. Kiran has been here over 2½ years working with A/Prof Jodie Bradby. We wish him well.




Thanks to the generosity of staff, students and visitors of the school, RSPE has raised $828 for the Red Cross Nepal Appeal.


Staff movements

Student Administration (HDR)
Ms Luda Mangos will be on leave 1 June – 2 July 2015. All enquiries should be directed to Ms Karen Nulty 02 6125 5195 or e-mailed to

Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Ms Julie Arnold (DA) will be on leave 20 May - 12 June 2015.

Applied Maths (AM)
Ms Martina Landsmann (DA) will be on leave 1 June to 3 July 2015.



The following OH&S training courses will be running soon

  • Electrical appliance testing refresher (OHSA12) 3 June
  • Confined spaces refresher (OHSA06) 10 June
  • Cranes and lifting tackle (OHSA08) 18 June



Departmental seminars

Dr Amy S. Gandy - 2 June
Radiation Damage and Gas Bubble Formation in Perovskites
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Dr Dirk König - 4 June
Active Impurity Doping of Silicon Nanovolumes: Failure and Alternatives
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Funding opportunities

Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2015
Nominations are being sought for the Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2015. This Award provides funding of up to $15,000 to assist postgraduate research students enrolled at the Research School of Physics and Engineering to undertake part of their research program overseas or make a collaborative visit to an overseas institution, for three to six months. Applications open 1 June and close 5pm 30 June 2015.
Further information is available at

Ben Williams Student Support Grant
The Ben Williams Student Support Grant is now available for all undergraduate and post­graduate physics students enrolled at the Research School of Physics and Engineering. The fund will provide financial assistance to students who are experiencing health and well-being difficulties that are preventing them from completing their program.

Applications are accepted all year round.

Ian Potter Foundation Grants, Round 2
Applications are now open for Science, Travel and Conference grants, closing 23 June. Applications need to be ranked internally and sent to the Foundation in hard copy before the due date. If you’re interested in applying, please send your Expression of Interest to by Friday 15 May for further information. Final drafts will be due to the research office by Monday 9 June 2015.

International Climate Initiative
Supports projects in developing countries and emerging economies, and countries in transition. Areas of support relate to mitigating greenhouse gases, adapting climate change, conserving carbon sinks and conserving biological diversity. First stage closes 1 June 2015.

ARENA R&D Programme
Supporting industry and research partnerships that seek to develop and commercialise renewable energy technologies, and to provide a broader range of energy options to reduce future energy costs. Expressions of Interest close 19 June 2015.

SIEF John Stocker Postdoctoral Fellowships
A grant of $92,000 p.a. for three years targeting projects in natural or applied science with high potential for scientific achievement and benefits to Australia. Applications close 31 July.

DAAD-UA Australia-Germany Exchanges
Supports travel and living costs for short-term exchanges to work on joint research projects in Germany, up to a maximum $25,000. The support of early career researchers is a significant focus (Research Office internal deadline 2 June).


ACT Scientist of the Year Award

Open to Australian citizens or permanent residents up to 10 years post PhD, the Award recognizes the achievements of an ‘up and coming’ scientist with significant potential to continue to achieve. Nominations close 9 June 2015.


NECTAR Early Career Retreat

10-11 June
Open to all ANU early career academics and final year PhD students, the retreat includes workshops and speakers on issues that matter to early career academics. Free, with catering.

Register by 2 June 2015 on Eventbrite



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