The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 12 | 28 March–1 April 2016


Director's Colloquium - 5 April

Exploring the universe with the square kilometre array - Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith

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Defence Trade Controls Act - Future seminars

Thank you to those that have attended a seminar. For those who may have missed out due to conflicting commitments, two more have been arranged and the details are as follows:

  • Tuesday 29 March, 10am : Seminar Room 1 & 2 Australian Centre on China in the World
  • Thursday 31 March, 2pm : Seminar Room 1 & 2 Australian Centre on China in the World

Staff and students are strongly encouraged to attend. 

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Relocation of the Science Administration Huxley Hub

Huxley Hub staff will be operating out of the Jaeger building (within RSES) from Tuesday 29 March 2016. Following their relocation, they will be known as the Jaeger Hub, reflecting the new location.

What will change following the move?
Simply the physical location.  Staff will be located in the Jaeger Building #142 on the second floor (map reference).  Access is via the main entrance and you can ask for directions at the RSES reception counter.  No swipe card access is required to visit the hub staff.

What will not change following the move?
You can continue to contact your finance, human resources and research management contacts through the same email and phone avenues.  There will be no changes to staffing in relation to this move, and all email addresses and phone numbers will remain unchanged.  


Just one action for women in science

From the RSPE Equity and Diversity Committee

In the wake of #Huntgate, here is a handy list of actions that individuals could commit to if they really want to see a change in the working environment coupled with a genuine move towards equality.

Whatever your take on the recent furore, I would like to propose we use the focus on the challenges facing women in science to drive forward real change. I challenge individuals to commit to ‘just one action for women in science’ (#just1action4WIS). If everyone takes up this challenge within their local organisation or their wider community, we can begin to counter the disadvantages that women and schoolgirls can find themselves facing on a daily basis.

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ARC Future Fellowships

ARC Future Fellowships are now open. If your PhD was conferred between March 2001 and March 2011 you may be eligibilble to apply. Please contact to notify the College Research Office your intent to apply so we can confirm your eligibility and provide you with support for your application. The internal deadline for complete applications is Monday 18 April.


Call for applications to participate in Australia's first Falling Walls Lab

The Academy invites applications from Australian researchers, Postdocs and students, entrepreneurs, engineers and innovators to attend Australia’s first Falling Walls Lab in 2016.

Up to 25 contestants will be invited to participate in this challenge with each required to give a 3 minute presentation on their research, business model or initiative based on the “Which walls will fall next” concept.

Candidates should be research active in any field of the natural sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine as well as social sciences and humanities.

Deadline for applications is 5pm (AEST) 23 May 2016.

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Supervisor training course

ANU HDR supervisors have the opportunity to take up the following professional development activities offered by the research training team in the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Research Training) and you are encouraged to attend if you can.  The professional development being offered is specific to your needs as a supervisor of HDR students. Come along and learn from experienced peers and share your own knowledge of supervision.  This is also an opportunity to build collegial networks across the ANU.

Research on supervision shows that supervisors perform five key roles for their students: keeping the research on track, helping students integrate with their community, challenging student's thinking, acting as a mentor and supporting students emotionally through the PhD journey.  Each session is geared around these key roles and restricted to HDR supervisors only.

Click on the links below to see details of each session and book your place. If you have missed out on the sessions of most interest several of them will be run again in semester two but places are limited. 




On behalf of the Director and Senior Executive, wishing everyone a safe and Happy Easter break.


Departmental seminars

Dr Jenny Feige - 30 March
Detecting and unveiling remnants from 2-3 Myr old supernovae on Earth
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Dr Joseph Walshe - 4 April
Clustering and the search for exotic nuclear molecules
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Professor Abraham Stroock - 5 April
Top-down and bottom-up approaches to form microvascular structure in vitro
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Research Skills and Training Opportunities for HDR Students




Training course:

  • First aid: Mental health (OHSG33) 4 April
  • Compressed gas and Cryogenic safety (OHSA04)   7 April

Registration via HORUS


The United Uranium Scholarship

The United Uranium Trust Fund was established in 1966 for ‘the promotion and encouragement of scientific research and education in the field of atomic energy’. In accordance with the Deed, the United Uranium Scholarship is awarded to ‘promising young scientists’ from any Australian organisation or institution whose research or work is in the field of nuclear energy. The applicant must also be an Australian citizen.

The recipient of the scholarship will receive up to AUS$6,000.  For further informartion please refer the website.

Closing date: 2 May 2016

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2016 Dunlap Institute Summer School

14-19 August 2016 

Introduction to Astronomical Instrumentation

  • Learn basic principles of radio, infrared, optical, x-ray and gamma-ray instrumentation
  • Learn how detectors and spectrographs work
  • Learn in lecture and hands-on laboratory sessions
  • Learn about a career in instrumentation
  • Work with students from around the world
  • Learn from international leaders in the field of astronomical instrumentation
  • Attend a professional development/ mentoring session

Registration Fee: $500 Travel subsidies and registration fee waivers available Application and Travel Subsidy Deadline: 15 April 2016

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Call for Applications: Scholarship for Space Plasma, Astronomy and Astrophysics

The scholarship is intended to aid postgraduate research students undertaking a project in Space Plasma, Astronomy or Astrophysics and in exceptional circumstances to an undergraduate. Up to four scholarships may be awarded for use towards travel, acquiring of equipment or collaboration activities as required. Further details including eligibility and conditions of the award can be found online. Applicants need to present a case outlining the intended use of funds and how it will assist their current research. A brief supervisor's support statement is also required. No formal application form is required.

Applications open 1 March 2016 and close 5pm, 31 March 2016. The application should be submitted to the RSPE Student Administration office via



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