Abdel Khaleq, Raghda Ms |
(02) 612 50609 |
PhD Student |
Abdo, Salah Mr |
Visiting Student |
Abdulghani, Amer Mr |
Visiting Student |
Adhikari, Sonachand Dr |
(02) 612 50374 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Adya, Vaishali Dr |
(02) 612 50208 |
Afrin, Nahid Ms |
PhD Student |
Ahlefeldt, Rose Dr |
(02) 612 59274 |
Fellow |
Akhmediev, Nail Professor |
(02) 612 50191 |
Emeritus Professor |
Akhtar, Mariam Dr |
Akter, Sanjida Ms |
Visiting Student |
Alssalim, Yousef Mr |
PhD Student |
Altin, Paul Dr |
(02) 612 52811 |
Alwadi, Taleb Mr |
PhD Student |
Alzaidan, Noura Ms |
PhD Student |
Amin Zadeh, Alaleh Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Andrews, Mark Dr |
Ankiewicz, Adrian Dr |
(02) 612 55547 |
Honorary Professor |
Arifuzzaman, Md Mr |
PhD Student |
Arnold, Julie Ms |
(02) 612 50020 |
Departmental Administrator |
Arnott, James Mr |
Visiting Student |
Avraham, Daniel Mr |
MPhil Student |
Azuma, Yuki Mr |
Visiting Student |
Azzopardi, Nikki Ms |
(02) 612 50000 |
Departmental Administrator |
Babu, Aditya Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Bacchus, Sullivan Mr |
Bachor, Hans Emeritus Professor |
Emeritus Professor |
Baldwin, Kenneth Professor |
(02) 612 54702 |
Baldwin, Noah |
Honours Student |
Bandara, Nuwan Dr |
Bandutunga , Chathura Dr |
(02) 612 50332 |
Fellow |
Banerjee, Biswajit Dr |
Barbour, Linda Ms |
(02) 612 54244 |
Departmental Administrator |
Barreiros Scatamburlo, Diogo Mr |
Visiting Student |
Barron, Aleese Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Bashu, Victoria Miss |
(02) 612 54837 |
PhD Student |
Bastidon, Noemie Dr |
Research Fellow |
Batchelor, Murray Professor |
(02) 612 58224 |
Professor |
Battisson, Stephen Mr |
(02) 612 53648 |
Technical Officer |
Bazhanov, Vladimir Professor |
(02) 612 55500 |
Emeritus Professor |
Bechteler-Weickhardt, Laurent Mr |
Student |
Beckett, Luke Mr |
Beckman, Juliey Ms |
Beeching, Levi Dr |
(02) 612 56231 |
Technical Officer |
Ben Aicha, Yosri Mr |
PhD Student |
Bennett, Daniel Dr |
(02) 612 52544 |
Engineer Officer |
Bensley, Scott Mr |
PhD Student |
Berkeley, Sue Mrs |
(02) 612 52495 |
Best, Matthew Mr |
Honours Student |
Bezzina, Lauren Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Technical Officer |
Bian, Yue Mr |
PhD Student |
Bignell, Lindsey Dr |
(02) 612 59626 |
Research Fellow |
Binos, Nick Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Blacksell, Michael Mr |
(02) 612 51570 |
Technical Officer |
Blackwell, Boyd Professor |
(02) 612 52482 |
Emeritus Professor |
Blum, Clarissa Ms |
Student |
Blyth, Mitchell Dr |
Boswell, Roderick Professor |
(02) 612 53442 |
Emeritus Professor |
Bouskill, Kirsty Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Boyce, Sophia Ms |
Student |
Bradby, Jodie Prof |
(02) 612 54916 |
Head of Department |
Brand, Julia Ms |
(02) 612 57310 |
Departmental Visitor |
Bryleva, Alina Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Buchler, Ben Professor |
(02) 612 59973 |
Fellow |
Buckman, Stephen Professor |
(02) 612 52402 |
Professor |
Buete, Jacob Dr |
(02) 612 54837 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Byrne, Rebecca Ms |
Student |
Byrne, Tracey Ms |
(02) 612 56283 |
Caddy, Stewart Mr |
(02) 612 53416 |
Engineer Officer |
Cai, Marcus Mr |
(02) 612 59144 |
PhD Student |
Camacho-Morales, Maria del Rocio Dr |
(02) 612 54983 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Cameron, Edward Mr |
Cameron, Leigh Mr |
Campbell, Michaela Ms |
Student |
Casas Ramos, Ana Dr |
Research Fellow |
Case, Samuel Mr |
PhD Student |
Castillo, Jayden Mr |
Caton, Judith Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Cave, Thomas Mr |
(02) 612 51093 |
Technical Officer |
CDM, Postdoc |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
CDM, Research Fellow |
Research Fellow |
Chabbra, Namisha Ms |
Student |
Chan, Alan Mr |
Student |
Chan, Anika Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Chan, Raymond Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Charles, Christine Professor |
(02) 612 58068 |
Professor |
Chaudhary, Deepanshu Mr |
PhD Student |
Chen, Chaohao Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Chen, Junru Mr |
MPhil Student |
Chen, Yizhou (Joe) Mr |
PhD Student |
Chen, Yunheng Mr |
(02) 612 54547 |
PhD Student |
Cheong, Zoe Mx |
PhD Student |
Chiang, Cheng-I Mr |
PhD Student |
Chipman, Thomas Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Choi, Duk-Yong Associate Professor |
(02) 612 59279 |
Choi, Suk-Ho Professor |
Departmental Visitor |
Chua, Sheon Dr |
(02) 612 51012 |
Research Fellow |
Clark, Greg Dr |
Close, John Professor |
(02) 612 54390 |
Professor |
Compston, Paul Prof |
Conlan, Carly Ms |
(02) 612 50974 |
Conway, Martin Mr |
(02) 612 51599 |
Cook, Kaitlin Dr |
(02) 612 52077 |
Senior Fellow |
Cooke, Julie Ms |
Coombes, Ben Mr |
(02) 612 50609 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Cooper, Alan Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Engineer Officer |
Corkery, Robert Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Cornish, Graeme Mr |
0404 857 302 |
Corr, Cormac A/Prof |
(02) 612 52828 |
Senior Fellow |
Craig, Vincent Professor |
(02) 612 53359 |
Professor |
Cram, Lawrence Professor |
Emeritus Professor |
Crowley-Burrows, Zoe Ms |
Honours Student |
Cruikshank, Ron Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Curtin, Katja Ms |
Da Costa Seabra, Caroline Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Danaher, Emma Ms |
PhD Student |
Dangol, Ashok Mr |
Daria, Vincent Dr |
Das, Aritra Mr |
PhD Student |
Das, Mukunda Professor |
(02) 612 53066 |
Honorary Professor |
Das, Mukunda Dr |
Das, Sujan Mr |
(02) 612 50520 |
PhD Student |
Dasgupta, Mahananda Professor |
(02) 612 52081 |
Professor |
Dastgiri, Ferdos Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Dastoor, Taskil Mr |
Honours Student |
Davis, Logan Mr |
PhD Student |
Davoodianidalik, Mahdi Dr |
(02) 612 56673 |
De Camillis, Simone |
(02) 612 51593 |
Research Fellow |
Deakin, Lachlan Mr |
(02) 612 56519 |
PhD Student |
Dean, Sarah Ms |
PhD Student |
Debbarma, Sukanta Mr |
(02) 612 54129 |
Debs, John Associate Professor |
(02) 612 58420 |
Deka, Angela Ms |
Delgado-Friedrichs, Olaf Dr |
(02) 612 55882 |
Fellow |
Dellosa, Marylou Ms |
Departmental Visitor |
Deng Feng, Chen (Hendry) Mr |
Dengate, Rebecca Ms |
Dept Administrator, EME |
(02) 612 50020 |
Dept Administrator, FTP |
Dept Administrator, MP |
Dept Administrator, NPAA |
(02) 612 52083 |
Dept Administrator, QST |
(02) 612 54244 |
Devlin, Neil Mr |
(02) 612 52819 |
Technical Officer |
Dey, Anneshwa Ms |
PhD Student |
Dhanwansha, Kosala Mr |
PhD Student |
Ding, Yiming Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Director's Office, |
(02) 612 52476 |
Director's Office, Executive Assistant |
(02) 612 52476 |
Disha, Natasha Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
MPhil Student |
Doherty, Marcus Dr |
(02) 612 59276 |
Honorary Professor |
Donda, Thomas Mr |
Technical Officer |
Dooley, Phil Dr |
Dougherty, Julieanne Dr |
Dowie, Jackson Dr |
(02) 612 52424 |
Dowley, Owen Mr |
Student |
Dowling, Phillip Mr |
PhD Student |
Downe, Lindsay Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Dunstone, Robert Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Dutt, Shankar Dr |
(02) 612 51056 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dutta, Anish Mr |
Visiting Student |
Dyke, Kieren |
Summer Scholar Student |
Eagle, Rhys Mr |
PhD Student |
Eastman, Jessica Dr |
(02) 612 57994 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Ebrahimi, Atiyeh Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Eichholz, Johannes Dr |
(02) 612 54079 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Eksteen, Michael Mr |
Honours Student |
Elliman, Robert Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 50521 |
Emeritus Professor |
Enquiries, Finance |
(02) 612 59323 |
Enquiries, Human Resources |
(02) 612 59617 |
Enquiries, Infrastructure |
(02) 612 53062 |
Enquiries, IT |
(02) 612 59703 |
Enquiries , OH&S |
(02) 612 50105 |
Enquiries, Purchasing |
Enquiries, Reception |
(02) 612 50000 |
Enquiries, Research Management |
(02) 612 55197 |
Enquiries, School Manager |
(02) 612 55185 |
Enquiries, Students (Graduate) |
(02) 612 51315 |
Enquiries, Students (Undergraduate) |
(02) 612 51315 |
Esat, Tezer Dr |
(02) 612 55181 |
Estrecho, Eliezer Dr |
(02) 612 59079 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Evans, Cat Ms |
Technical Officer |
Evans, Cathy Ms |
Evans, Phil Prof |
Honorary Professor |
Everett, Jesse Dr |
(02) 612 57995 |
Everitt, Patrick Dr |
(02) 612 57011 |
PhD Student |
Fabricante, Bianca Ms |
PhD Student |
Fan, Tongmiao Mr |
PhD Student |
Fei, Haoxiang Mr |
Student |
Fifield, Keith Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 52095 |
Fitriana, Anna Ms |
PhD Student |
Fitzner, R. Christian Mr |
PhD Student |
Fleming, Max Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhB Student |
Foote, Gordon Dr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Departmental Visitor |
Foxcroft, Simon Mr |
(02) 612 59593 |
Francis, Paul Prof |
(02) 612 52824 |
Francois, Nicolas Associate Professor |
Fraser, Michael Dr |
(02) 612 59076 |
Departmental Visitor |
Fraser, Paul Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Froehlich , Michaela Dr |
(02) 612 51612 |
Senior Fellow |
Fu, Lan Professor |
(02) 612 54060 |
Head of Department |
Fullagar, Wilfred Dr |
(02) 612 57590 |
Research Officer |
Furphy, Harriet Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Technical Officer |
Gallant, Hannah Ms |
Student |
Gamaly, Eugene Associate Professor |
(02) 612 58659 |
Gao, Yue Prof |
Honorary Professor |
Gardner, James Mr |
Garrett, Richard Dr |
Honorary Professor |
Gedara, Dinelka Ms |
Visiting Student |
Gemmel, Simon Mr |
Geng, Rugang Dr |
Gibson, Dennis Mr |
Technical Officer |
Gibson, Stephen Associate Professor |
(02) 612 51303 |
Honorary Professor |
Gillan, Lara Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Gillett, Geoff Dr |
Goh, Sharon Ms |
MPhil Student |
Gopakumar, Abhijith Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Gossayn, Meghan Ms |
Honours Student |
Gould, Daniel Mr |
PhD Student |
Gray, Malcolm A/Prof |
Gray, Mary Dr |
(02) 612 53792 |
Grewar, Murdock Mr |
(02) 612 56517 |
Student |
Grosser, Phoebe Ms |
Gu, Chenyu Ms |
Guan, Xi-Wen Professor |
(02) 612 52968 |
Honorary Professor |
Gunjal, Shubhangi Deepak Ms |
PhD Student |
Guo, Yanzhi Mr |
PhD Student |
Gupta, Kaushik Mr |
Visiting Student |
Gwynneth, Mark Mr |
(02) 612 52544 |
Technical Officer |
Haddrick, Jordan Mr |
Haggren, Anne |
Haggren, Tuomas Dr |
(02) 612 54283 |
Research Fellow |
Haine, Simon Dr |
(02) 612 51463 |
Haines, Amanda Ms |
(02) 612 54203 |
Hall, Michael Dr |
Hanrick, Rachael Ms |
Technical Officer |
Hardcastle, Toby Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Harding, Bryce Mr |
Student |
Hasan, Md Imran Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Hayles, Sophie Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
He, Xianpeng (Michael) Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Heighway, Justin Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Technical Officer |
Heimes, Hendrik Mr |
PhD Student |
Henley, Richard Dr |
(02) 612 50231 |
Honorary Professor |
Herring, Anna Dr |
(02) 612 51585 |
Departmental Visitor |
Herrmann, Nils Dr |
Herz, Laura Prof |
(02) 612 51948 |
Honorary Professor |
Hew, Justin Mr |
Student |
Hickey, Deon Mr |
Technical Officer |
Hilman, Hafizhan Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Hinde, David Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 52094 |
Hodgman, Sean Dr |
(02) 612 54537 |
Holding, Matthew Mr |
(02) 612 54341 |
Technical Officer |
Holland, Bradley Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Holmes, John Dr |
Hong, Joseph Mr |
(02) 612 52433 |
Hope, Joseph Professor |
(02) 612 52780 |
Professor |
Hort, Thomas Mr |
PhD Student |
Howard, John Professor |
(02) 612 53751 |
Howe, Niall Mr |
Hu, Robin Ms |
PhD Student |
Hu, Yu Zhi (Daisy) Miss |
(02) 612 51581 |
Huang, Keshu Dr |
Research Fellow |
Huang, Ruotong Ms |
PhD Student |
Huang, Xiaoying (Ying) Ms |
PhD Student |
Huang, Xingshuo Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Huang, Yiyue Ms |
PhD Student |
Huanglong, Sibo (Longsibo) Mr |
PhD Student |
Husband, Ryan Mr |
PhD Student |
Huynh, Steven Mr |
(02) 612 51575 |
Technical Officer |
Hyde, Stephen Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 54553 |
Emeritus Professor |
Iliev, Hristo Prof |
Departmental Visitor |
Ireland, Michael A/Prof |
Departmental Visitor |
Irwin, James Mr |
(02) 612 55185 |
Irwin, Tony Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Ivanov, Igor Dr |
(02) 612 54537 |
Izdebskaya, Yana Dr |
(02) 612 59139 |
Research Fellow |
Jagadish, Chennupati Professor |
(02) 612 50363 |
Distinguished Professor |
James, Oliver Mr |
Summer Scholar Student |
Jang, Jennifer Ms |
Summer Scholar Student |
Jangid, Piyush Mr |
PhD Student |
Jani, Dhruv Mr |
MPhil Student |
Janousek, Jiri Dr |
(02) 612 57996 |
Departmental Visitor |
Jiang, Min |
PhD Student |
Jobbins, Murray Mr |
MPhil Student |
Johnston, Michael Prof |
(02) 612 51948 |
Honorary Professor |
Johnstone, Luke Mr |
PhD Student |
Jones, Dana Ms |
PhD Student |
Jones, Michael Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Technical Officer |
Jordaan, Joshua Mr |
PhD Student |
Joshi, Mayank Mr |
Student |
Junker, Jonas Dr |
Kafer, Chris Mr |
(02) 612 56390 |
Technical Officer |
Kameshkov, Oleg Mr |
PhD Student |
Kamleh, Waseem Dr |
Kandula, Neelima Dr |
Research Fellow |
Kane, Deb Prof |
Honorary Professor |
Kapasi, Disha Ms |
Karawdeniya, Buddini Dr |
(02) 612 59139 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Kates, Vanessa Ms |
Kay, Angus Mr |
(02) 612 52143 |
Kennedy, Liam Mr |
Engineer Officer |
Kheifets, Anatoli Professor |
(02) 612 52478 |
Emeritus Professor |
Kho, Kirt Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Kibedi, Tibor Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 52093 |
Kingston, Andrew Dr |
(02) 612 50185 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Kitchen, Tom Mr |
(02) 612 50198 |
Technical Officer |
Kivshar, Yuri Professor |
(02) 612 53081 |
Distinguished Professor |
Kiy, Alexander Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Kluth, Patrick Prof |
(02) 612 50358 |
Professor |
Knackstedt, Mark Professor |
(02) 612 51015 |
Professor |
Knuefing, Lydia Ms |
(02) 612 59484 |
Koenig, Dirk Dr |
Kohonen, Mika Dr |
(02) 612 52207 |
Technical Officer |
Koll, Dominik Mr |
PhD Student |
Koltermann, Richard Mr |
(02) 612 52841 |
Technical Officer |
Kolyaskin, Dmitry Mr |
PhD Student |
Komar, Andrei Dr |
(02) 612 53063 |
Departmental Visitor |
Kono, Rikako Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
MPhil Student |
Koshelev, Kirill Dr |
(02) 612 54983 |
Research Fellow |
Kovalev, Theo (Fedor) Mr |
PhD Student |
Koyama, Musashi Mr |
PhD Student |
Krishnan, Navneet Mr |
PhD Student |
Krol, Mateusz Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Krolikowski, Wieslaw Professor |
(02) 612 53752 |
Emeritus Professor |
Kruk, Sergey Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Kulur Ramamohan, Avanish Mr |
PhD Student |
Kumar, Brijesh Mr |
Visiting Student |
Kwan, Kar Meng Mr |
PhD Student |
Lafleur, Trevor Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Lai, Choon Kong Mr |
Lai, Jia Le Mr |
Honours Student |
Laksmi, Nurul Rika Ms |
Lam, Ping Koy Professor |
(02) 612 58378 |
Lane, Gregory Professor |
(02)61250375 |
Professor |
Lang, Jack Mr |
PhD Student |
Lang, Patrick Mr |
(02) 612 50005 |
Lapine, Mikhail A/Prof |
Departmental Visitor |
Larkman, Deane Dr |
(02) 612 50382 |
Larsson, Ankie Dr |
(02) 612 50643 |
Latham, Shane Dr |
(02) 612 54975 |
Research Fellow |
Latif, Huma Dr |
(02) 612 55280 |
Laudert, Benjamin Mr |
PhD Student |
Lavin Varela, Sebastian Mr |
PhD Student |
Le, Hong An Mr |
(02) 612 50609 |
PhD Student |
Lee, Chaohong Prof |
(02) 612 59139 |
Departmental Visitor |
Lee, Daniel Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Lee, Joseph Mr |
Student |
Lee, Thimthana Mr |
PhD Student |
Lee, Tze (Shaun) |
Lee Cheong Lem, Olivier Dr |
(02) 612 51698 |
Technical Officer |
Legge, Samuel Dr |
Research Fellow |
Lennon, Annalise Ms |
Departmental Visitor |
Lewis, Brenton Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 53529 |
Li, Guanting Mr |
Student |
Li, Heyang (Thomas) |
Li, Li (Lily) Dr |
(02) 612 50380 |
Engineer Officer |
Li, Neuton Mr |
(02) 612 53964 |
PhD Student |
Li, Shijie Mr |
PhD Student |
Li, Wenyi Ms |
Student |
Li, Zhe (Rex) Dr |
(02) 612 51585 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Li, Ziyuan Dr |
Lian, Xiang Mr |
PhD Student |
Lilleyman, Adam Mr |
Lim, Shao Qi Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Linardakis, Peter Dr |
(02) 612 52862 |
Liu, Dawei Mr |
PhD Student |
Liu, Junbang Mr |
PhD Student |
Lobanov, Nikolai Dr |
(02) 612 54838 |
Loesel, Philipp Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Lu, Neil Mr |
Student |
Lu, Xilin Dr |
Technical Officer |
Lu, Zhuoyuan Mr |
Student |
Lundy, Kate Ms |
Honorary Professor |
Luo, Mark Mr |
Luquet, Marc Mr |
Luther-Davies, Barry Professor |
(02) 612 54255 |
Lysevych, Mykhaylo Dr |
(02) 612 51590 |
Ma, Hongbin Mr |
Visiting Student |
Ma, Jinyong Dr |
(02) 612 59203 |
Research Fellow |
Macha, Pascal Mr |
Machacek, Joshua Dr |
(02) 612 56151 |
Fellow |
Mackie, Lachlan Mr |
MacLeod, Craig Mr |
(02) 612 54134 |
Technical Officer |
Madadi, Mahyar Dr |
(02) 612 50398 |
Fellow |
Madden, Sophie Miss |
Madden, Stephen Professor |
(02) 612 58574 |
Senior Fellow |
Mahmoudi, Mohsen Mr |
PhD Student |
Malik, Paritosh Mr |
Visiting Student |
Mangazeev, Vladimir A/Prof |
(02) 612 59475 |
Fellow |
Mangos, Liudmila Ms |
(02) 612 51315 |
Manjunath, Shridhar Mr |
(02) 612 53964 |
PhD Student |
Manson, Neil Professor |
(02) 612 54204 |
March, Andrew Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Engineer Officer |
Marshall, Steven Mr |
(02) 612 51572 |
Technical Officer |
Martin, Eve Ms |
Maryam, Iqra Ms |
PhD Student |
Mathew, Albert Mr |
PhD Student |
Mattingley-Scott, Mark Dr |
Matviichuk, Bogdan Dr |
(02) 612 55882 |
Technical Officer |
Maximova, Ksenia Dr |
Research Fellow |
McBain, Dean Mr |
McCallum, Jeff A/Prof |
Visiting Fellow |
McCarthy, Ingrid Mrs |
(02) 612 58022 |
McClelland, David Distinguished Prof |
(02) 612 59888 |
McCormick, Brendan Dr |
Engineer Officer |
McDonagh, Richard Mr |
Student |
McEachran, Robert Adjunct Professor |
(02) 612 52484 |
Adjunct Professor |
McGinness, Lachlan Mr |
McGlynn, Patrick Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
McGoram, Tom Dr |
(02) 612 57358 |
McInerney, Matthew Mr |
Honours Student |
McKenzie, Kirk Professor |
(02) 612 50206 |
Senior Fellow |
McKie, Lachlan Mr |
(02) 612 50609 |
PhD Student |
McMahon, John Paul Mr |
PhD Student |
McRae, Ellen Miss |
(02) 612 54837 |
PhD Student |
McRae, Terry Dr |
(02) 612 51156 |
Research Fellow |
McTernan, Campbell Mr |
Honours Student |
Medley, Peter Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Medved, Joseph Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Mehdi, Zain Dr |
Melik-Gaykazyan, Eliza Ms |
(02) 612 53964 |
PhD Student |
Mezzatesta, Giovanni Mr |
Miculka, Martin Mr |
PhD Student |
Middleton, Robert Mr |
(02) 612 59390 |
Research Officer |
Mitchell, AJ Dr |
(02) 612 53526 |
Senior Fellow |
Mouskeftaras, Alexandros Dr |
(02) 612 54637 |
Departmental Visitor |
Mozina, Alexander Mr |
Honours Student |
Muddam, Vaishnavi Ms |
Honours Student |
Munch, Jesper Professor |
Visiting Fellow |
Munro, Josephine Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Muusse, Sophie Ms |
PhD Student |
Myers, Glenn Dr |
(02) 612 54690 |
Research Fellow |
Nagy-Sochacki, Adam Dr |
Nakayama, Yurika Ms |
PhD Student |
Nandi, Sanjoy Dr |
(02) 612 59089 |
Research Fellow |
Narayan, Bhisma Mr |
PhD Student |
Neshev, Dragomir Prof |
(02) 612 53792 |
Professor |
Nguyen, Andrea |
Student |
Ninham, Barry Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 54694 |
Emeritus Professor |
Notley, Shannon A/Professor |
(02) 612 59600 |
Departmental Visitor |
Notthoff, Christian Dr |
(02) 612 52080 |
Nugent, Keith Dr |
O'Connor, Louisa Dr |
O'Shaughnessy, Nicole Ms |
Oberg, Lachlan Mr |
PhD Student |
Oeren, Paal-Eric Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Ostrovskaya, Elena Prof |
(02) 612 53798 |
Pampurayath Subhash, Aswathi Ms |
PhD Student |
Panda, Sanjeet Mr |
PhD Student |
Pantano, Victor Dr |
Papneja, Ankit Mr |
PhD Student |
Parry, Matthew Dr |
(02) 612 54983 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Parul, Parul Ms |
PhD Student |
Pascale, Ash Ms |
PhD Student |
Paterson, Lincoln Dr |
Honorary Professor |
Pavetich, Stefan Dr |
(02) 612 51308 |
Research Fellow |
Pellegrino, Michael Mr |
Honours Student |
Pellegrino, Robert Mr |
Student |
Perissinotto, Tom Mr |
PhD Student |
Philip, Lee Mr |
Technical Officer |
Piccinni, Ornella Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Pidgeon, Jack Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Technical Officer |
Pikuz, Tatiana Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Popko, Alexandra Ms |
(02) 612 52096 |
Prabhakaran, Rishika Nair Ms |
Prasai, Abigyat Mr |
Engineer Officer |
Punzmann, Horst Dr |
(02) 612 50001 |
Qian, Jane Ms |
Qin, Jiayi Dr |
(02) 612 50208 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Qin, Peijun Mr |
Visiting Student |
Qiu, Xiwen Mr |
PhD Student |
Quinn, Matthew Dr |
Rabeling, David Dr |
RadInnovate, Postdoc |
Radovanovic, Goran Mr |
(02) 612 56510 |
Rahman, Shahinur Dr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Departmental Visitor |
Raja, Lakshmi Ms |
Visiting Student |
Rajabi, Sareh Dr |
(02) 612 59887 |
Ram, Rohit Mr |
Ramasundara, Wasantha Mr |
(02) 612 51574 |
Technical Officer |
Rapp, Ludovic Dr |
(02) 612 57310 |
Senior Fellow |
Ratcliff, Tom Dr |
(02) 612 50362 |
Rauf, Liana Ms |
Departmental Visitor |
Ravert, Yannick Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Read, Benjamin Mr |
Student |
Reddy, Prithvi Mr |
Reddy Shriram, Saranya Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Rees, Emily Rose Ms |
PhD Student |
Rees, Jacinta Ms |
Research Officer |
Ren, Jinliang Mr |
PhD Student |
Rezwan, Rahil Mr |
PhD Student |
Rhall, Graham Mr |
Technical Officer |
Richmond, Josef Mr |
PhD Student |
Rickman, Petra Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
Departmental Administrator |
Riggs, Peter Dr |
Visiting Fellow |
Rikers, Marijn Mr |
PhD Student |
Robins, Vanessa Dr |
(02) 612 59603 |
Fellow |
Robson, Brian Professor |
(02) 612 52971 |
Honorary Professor |
Rock, Timothy Mr |
Student |
Rode, Andrei Professor |
(02) 612 54637 |
Emeritus Professor |
Romero, Patrick Mr |
(02) 612 52415 |
Ronning, Carsten Professor |
Departmental Visitor |
Ross, Jessica Ms |
Student |
Roy, Brooke Ms |
S, Kannan Mr |
PhD Student |
Saadatfar, Mohammad Dr |
(02) 612 56361 |
Saha, Arindam Mr |
PhD Student |
Saji, Sandra Elizabeth Dr |
0468 443 420 |
Saladi, John (JnaneswaraRao) Mr |
Technical Officer |
Sambridge, Callum Mr |
PhD Student |
Sandler, Jordan |
Student |
Sarkar, Satyajit Dr |
Sawyer, Bianca Dr |
Schröder-Turk, Gerd Dr |
Schroeder, Luke Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Scott, Susan Distinguished Prof |
(02) 612 50347 |
Distinguished Professor |
Sellars, Matthew Associate Professor |
(02) 612 54571 |
Senior Fellow |
Semine, Michael Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Senden, Timothy Prof |
(02) 612 52476 |
Senlu, Fei Mr |
Student |
Sequeira, Sheil Mr |
Honours Student |
Serov, Vladislav Assoc. Prof. |
Shaddock, Daniel Professor |
(02) 612 52810 |
Professor |
Shadrivov, Ilya Professor |
(02) 612 58095 |
Professor |
Shadrivova, Galina Ms |
(02) 612 59203 |
Shadwell, Matt Mr |
Engineer Officer |
Shao, Hancheng Mr |
PhD Student |
Shats, Michael Professor |
(02) 612 50038 |
Emeritus Professor |
Shen, Spark Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Sheppard, Adrian Prof |
(02) 612 58516 |
Professor |
Shetty, Shishir Anil Mr |
Visiting Student |
Shi , Daniel Mr |
Student |
Shinde, Saniya Ms |
PhD Student |
Shrestha, Rajesh Mr |
Shrestha, Sahir Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Shuetrim, Eleanor Ms |
Student |
Shvedov, Vladlen Dr |
(02) 612 58759 |
Fellow |
Sibley, Paul Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Simenel, Cedric Professor |
(02) 612 52943 |
Head of Department |
Simpson, Edward Dr |
(02) 612 52082 |
Senior Fellow |
Singer, Reuben Mr |
Singh Tejas, Aditya Mr |
Honours Student |
Skryabin, Igor Dr |
(02) 612 53917 |
Slagmolen, Bram A/Prof |
(02) 612 59094 |
Senior Fellow |
Slavkovska, Zuzana Dr |
(02) 612 55179 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Smirnova, Daria Dr |
Fellow |
Smith, Kieran Mr |
PhD Student |
Smith, Michael Dr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Departmental Visitor |
Sok, Robert Dr |
(02) 612 56519 |
Somiya, Kentaro Prof. |
Visiting Fellow |
Sommacal, Silvano |
Song, Yuzi Ms |
PhD Student |
Sooriyabandara, Mahasen Mr |
Spinks, Nathan Mr |
(02) 612 50609 |
PhD Student |
Sridhar Athreya, Yogesh Mr |
PhD Student |
Stachurski, Zbigniew Dr |
Steigrad, Itamar Mr |
Steklova, Klara Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Stevens, David Mr |
PhD Student |
Stokes-Griffin, Christopher Dr |
Stringer, Geraldine Ms |
(02) 612 56228 |
Strobel, Maximilian Konstantin Mr |
Stuart, James Dr |
(02) 612 50522 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Stuchbery, Andrew Professor |
(02) 612 52097 |
Head of Department |
Stuchbery, James Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Sukhorukov, Andrey Prof |
(02) 612 58276 |
Professor |
Sullivan, James A/Prof. |
(02) 612 50040 |
Professor |
Sun, Lilli (Ling) Dr |
Sun, Qingbo Dr |
Swain, Shubhashree Ms |
Szarka, Ian Mr |
(02) 612 52085 |
Technical Officer |
Szigeti, Stuart Dr |
(02) 612 58896 |
Research Fellow |
Takeuchi Romo, Kiyoshi Andres Mr |
PhD Student |
Tan, Hoe Professor |
(02) 612 50356 |
Professor |
Tan, Xin Dr |
(02) 612 59307 |
Tanazmaei, Behrooz Mr |
PhD Student |
Tempra, Daniel Mr |
(02) 612 51571 |
Technical Officer |
Teo, Bryan Mr |
PhD Student |
Thearle, Oliver Dr |
Thomas, Paul Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Thomas, Peter Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Thomas, Ryan Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Thompson, Adam |
Thorn, Samara Ms |
(02) 612 58093 |
Thurzo, Kriszti |
Departmental Administrator |
Tilbrook, David Dr |
Tims, Stephen A/Prof |
(02) 612 52086 |
Professor |
Toftul, Ivan Mr |
PhD Student |
Tonkaev, Pavel Mr |
PhD Student |
Toton, Jimmy Dr |
Towers, Jacob Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Trainor, Cameron Mr |
MPhil Student |
Tran, Tony Mr |
PhD Student |
Tranter, Aaron Dr |
Research Fellow |
Tranter, Ross Mr |
(02) 612 52412 |
Technical Officer |
Tripathi, Aditya Mr |
PhD Student |
Troitzsch, Ulli Dr |
Technical Officer |
Truscott, Andrew Professor |
(02) 612 53626 |
Head of Department |
Tsai, David Mr |
Tsekouras, George Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Tsifakis, Dimitrios Dr |
(02) 612 52401 |
Departmental Visitor |
Tunikipati, Sai Meghana Mrs |
Tunningley, Thomas Mr |
(02) 612 52864 |
Technical Officer |
Turner, Michael Dr |
(02) 612 50697 |
Technical Officer |
Ullah, Arif Dr |
Research Fellow |
Ullatil, Lakshmi Ms |
PhD Student |
Vaidya, Gayatri Ms |
(02) 612 59638 |
Technical Officer |
Valencia Molina, Laura Ms |
PhD Student |
Valliyakalayil , Jobin Thomas Mr |
Student |
Vashist, Rishabh Mr |
PhD Student |
Vassilev, Vesselin Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Vavreckova, Sarka Ms |
PhD Student |
Veal, Indiana Ms |
Technical Officer |
Veldkamp, Jan Mr |
(02) 612 51579 |
Venville, Thomas Mr |
PhD Student |
Vijayan, Aditi Dr |
Departmental Visitor |
Vimard, Sophie Ms |
Vinnakota, Geethika Ms |
PhD Student |
Vogl, Sylvester Mr |
Vora, Kaushal Dr |
(02) 612 51594 |
Vos, Maarten A/Prof |
(02) 612 54985 |
Departmental Visitor |
Vouzas, Peter Dr |
(02) 612 59073 |
Wade, Andrew Dr |
(02) 612 52854 |
Research Fellow |
Wain, Alison Dr |
(02) 612 57310 |
Departmental Visitor |
Walsh, Angus |
PhD Student |
Walsh, Rick Dr |
(02) 612 50105 |
Walters, Cameron Mr |
Wang, Bogong |
PhD Student |
Wang, Dige Dr |
Technical Officer |
Wang, Hanyang Mr |
Student |
Wang, Hui Mr |
Departmental Visitor |
Wang, Luyao Ms |
(02) 612 59144 |
PhD Student |
Wang, Naiyin Dr |
(02) 612 56242 |
Technical Officer |
Wang, Yiran Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Wang, Yong Qi Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Ward, Robert Professor |
(02) 612 51075 |
Research Fellow |
Webber, Maggie Ms |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Webster, Sarah Ms |
PhD Student |
Wei, Fengkai Mr |
PhD Student |
Weigold, Erich Emeritus Professor |
Emeritus Professor |
Wette, Karl Dr |
(02) 612 52854 |
Fellow |
Whale, Benjamin Dr |
Whichello, Lachlan Mr |
White, Joshua Mr |
PhD Student |
Wickham, Matthew Mr |
Wierbik, Jessica Ms |
PhD Student |
Wilks, Xavier Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Student |
Williams, Alexander Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
Honours Student |
Williams, Elizabeth Dr |
(02) 612 59432 |
Williams, Jim Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 50373 |
Emeritus Professor |
Williams, Samantha Ms |
Wilson, Jake |
PhD Student |
Wong, Justin Mr |
Student |
Wong, Wei Wen Dr |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Wood, John Emeritus Professor |
(02) 612 52083 |
Woodside, Jack Mr |
PhD Student |
Wright, Jennifer Dr |
Wurdack, Matthias Dr |
(02) 612 57849 |
Xing, Yuxuan Mr |
Student |
Yan, Kunlun Dr |
Research Fellow |
Yan, Xintong (Tony) Mr |
PhD Student |
Yang, Carl (Qiheng) Mr |
(02) 612 53478 |
PhD Student |
Yang, Ziwei Mr |
(02) 612 59144 |
PhD Student |
Yokoyama, Yusuke Professor |
(02) 612 53407 |
Honorary Professor |
Young, Ben Mr |
(02) 612 51593 |
Young, Gavin Dr |
(02) 612 51581 |
Departmental Visitor |
Yow, Clarence Mr |
(02) 612 50873 |
Yu, Yang Mr |
PhD Student |
Yuan, Peiyu (Jade) Ms |
PhD Student |
Yue, Ling Mr |
Visiting Student |
Yung, Simon Mr |
PhD Student |
Zavodna, Tereza Ms |
Technical Officer |
Zegelin, Adam Mr |
Zhang, Jiawei (Violet) Ms |
Student |
Zhang, Shirui Mr |
PhD Student |
Zhang, Ya Dr |
(02) 612 50208 |
Zhang, Yifan Ms |
Visiting Student |
Zhang, Yifu Mr |
MPhil Student |
Zhang, Yulai Dr |
Research Fellow |
Zhao, Jie Dr |
(02) 612 57994 |
Zheng, Han Ms |
Honours Student |
Zheng, Tianyue (Ellen) Ms |
PhD Student |
Zheng, Ziye Ms |
Visiting Student |
Zhong, Yile Mr |
(02) 612 59280 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Zhu, Kaiwen (Kevin) Mr |
(02) 612 52083 |
PhD Student |
Zinnecker, Victoria Ms |
Zupanic, Adam Mr |
Technical Officer |