Defence Export Controls Awareness and Training Seminar 2017

Individual researchers at ANU have a legal obligation to consider whether they may require a permit from the Commonwealth Defence Export Controls Office to physically export or electronically transfer regulated goods, software and technology or ‘know how’ outside Australia’s borders.  Breach of export control legislation can result in a prison sentence and/or a significant fine (six figure sum).  

To find out more, two seminars are scheduled for:

Wednesday, 13th September 2017 at 10:00 -11:00am   
Register  here via Eventbrite

Wednesday 22nd November 2017 11:30am -12:30pm    
Register  here via Eventbrite.

The Research Services seminars are targeted towards researchers, students, and administration staff.  They provide the background to and overview of export controls and the penalties applying to anyone at ANU who do not meet their obligations and responsibilities. Much of the seminar will look at practical examples of how research activities can lead to issues that require consideration against the Defence Strategic Goods List of regulated items. There will also be time allocated for Q&A, and informal discussion.

Intended participants: Researchers and research students whose research area, collaborations, the possible application of their research require a direct interest in knowing more about export controls; research administration teams, and technology transfer staff, who support research activities and may advise on export controls; and those responsible for overall institutional awareness and compliance.


Research School of Chemistry Lecture Theatre
Building 36 Science Road
Acton, ACT 2601

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Date & time

Wed 13 Sep 2017, 10–11am




ANU staff and students welcome


Maria Davern | Manager, Service Initiatives
6125 6736