Departmental Seminar

Archaeobotanical applications of microCT imaging

Dr Aleese Barron
Materials Physics, ANU

MicroCT imaging has the potential to extract new archaeological information from existing archaeobotanical collections as well as create new assemblages within ancient ceramics or other forms of archaeological evidence. The technique can be used to aid in answering  archaeobotanical questions in regions with amongst the poorest rates of archaeobotanical preservation and where ancient plant exploitation remains poorly understood. My research has developed new applications of microCT imaging to the investigation of archaeobotanical questions involving both sexually-propagated cereal crops, including rice, sorghum and pearl millet, as well as the currently under-researched field of, asexually-propagated root and tuber crops, including yams, taro, and sweet potato. MicroCT imaging has been shown to greatly enhance the quantity and quality of archaeobotanical data, resulting in a better understanding of human/plant relationships in the past.

Date & time

Thu 9 Mar 2023, 2–3pm


Conference Room (R4.03), Bldg. 160


Members of RSPE welcome