Mid Term Review

Phase controlled functional metasurfaces

Rifat Ahmmed Aoni
PhD Student, Nonlinear Physics Centre, ANU

Metasurfaces are ultrathin planar nanostructure made of subwavelength metallic or dielectric elements which can be designed to efficiently control the light characteristics such as polarisation, dispersion, amplitude, and phase. The efficient 2π-phase control capability with high transmittance feature makes the metasurfaces versatile tools for wavefront manipulation. The efficiency of the metadevices can be significantly enhanced by systematically optimising the phase response of a meta-atoms. Moreover, new functionalities can be achieved by governing the phase response.

In this seminar, I will present how to efficiently control the deflection angle with high diffraction efficiency in the visible wavelength. I will also show deeply subwavelength metasurface resonators for terahertz wavefront manipulation. Finally, I will show Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces can be used as a passive filter to perform image processing.

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Date & time

Tue 5 May 2020, 11am–12pm


ZOOM Meeting


Members of RSPE welcome


Kath Hicks