Departmental Seminar

Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Progress and Prospects

Professor Yanbei Chen

Since the operation of Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO)  in 9/2015, 10 pairs of binary black hole mergers have been observed. These detections have provided important information regarding the rates of such mergers and have tested various predictions of general relativity.

In 8/2017, the observation of a neutron-star merger event marked the beginning of multi-messenger astronomy. In the future, upgraded ground-based detectors, as well as space-based detectors, will allow us to observe sources from the more distant universe, and to more precisely study predictions of general relativity and properties of compact astrophysical objects.

Date & time

Thu 27 Jun 2019, 11am–12pm


CQC2T Seminar rm 116- 1st Flr- Physics Bldg 38A Science Road ACTON ACT 2601


Members of RSPE welcome


Sareh Rajabi
02 612 59887